Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, October 4, 2009

Feast of Saint Francis.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today, on the 18th Sunday after Pentecost, again many angels are involved during the Holy Sacrificial Feast, especially during the consecration. They were kneeling in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. The Blessed Mother, the Heavenly Father, Saint Joseph and Padre Pio were brightly illuminated. The heart of the Child Jesus shone and it pointed to His heart. St. Francis also appeared with a little bird that sang wonderfully.

The Heavenly Father now says: I, the Heavenly Father, speak today on this special day, the Day of the Lord, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She lies in My will and speaks only My words. Everything is My truth.

My beloved children, it is not for nothing that today I have added Saint Francis. It is his day of honor and on this day, My little Katharina, you celebrate your birthday. I would like to congratulate you for this, because you are my sun child and this little bird sang the birthday melody.

My beloved ones, My beloved little flock, today on this day of honor, the day of the Lord, on Sunday, as I told you, this Holy Mass of Sacrifice was offered in a special reverence by My beloved priest son in Göttingen. Afterwards, the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar was adored, because today is the day of the Lord. Again and again I, your Heavenly Father, emphasize that this is a special day. Why? Because many no longer feel that there is a seventh day, the Day of the Lord, and not just days of work and toil. On that day you shall rest and pray.

My beloved children, many streams of grace have flowed over you today through this Holy Sacrificial Feast. You have been given the graces, - and you accept them. Over many these gifts of grace flow, these gifts, which I also want to pour out on unbelievers, but they do not accept them. How sad then during the Holy Sacrificial Feast My Son Jesus Christ is, who on these sacrificial altars again and again renews His sacrifice of the Cross and offers it to Me, the Heavenly Father, as a sacrifice of reconciliation. From the cross goes salvation, My children. In the cross is salvation!

You have to endure many hardships and tribulations in this last time. Not for much longer, then My Son Jesus Christ will appear with the Heavenly Mother at the pilgrimage place Wigratzbad, - at this special place. She will be worshipped there as Mother of Victory and as Queen of Victory she will crush the head of the serpent, - with you, My beloved little flock, who follow My Son, who take upon yourselves all the heaviness, who do not lament and complain about these many hardships you have. I'm letting them.

But remember, My beloved children, in you the Triune God has opened His Temple. Is this not something special, My beloved ones, - something very big? I, as Heavenly Father, must repeat it again and again, because this blessed sacrificial meal is something so great that you cannot grasp it. This reverence, which emanates from this altar and flows far beyond it, is pure holiness. You will be showered with holiness, My children, because I love you. Your Heavenly Father loves you in the Trinity.

Look again and again at the cross of My Son so that you may continue to accept your cross in love. He went to the cross and died for you. For you He gave His life so that your sins may be forgiven again and again. The Seven Sacraments have flowed from His side wound, and the Holy Sacrament of Penance is one of them. Full of repentance you go to this sacrament and your sins are blotted out. How grateful you return with the sanctifying grace.

My beloved ones, take this Holy Sacrament of Penance quite often so that the Blood of My Son may flow. It does not depend only on your sins, but that you take this sacrament. My son used it for you. And these sons of priests who walk the holy path donate it gladly. They are waiting for you to tell your sins to dearest Jesus. They will forgive you. I always look into your hearts and want to let the love penetrate deeper into you. The Holy Sacraments are meant to be the tonic for you.

Today you have reunited with My Son Jesus Christ in Holy Communion. What a gift for you! In you is the great God. He entered into you and let love penetrate deeper, - also that to the cross. What great joy My Son gives you with this. He wants to strengthen and also comfort you on this last arduous path, because you are going up this mountain to Golgotha to the top, which means that this path of sanctity is connected with many sacrifices. Do not give up, my little ones! Continue on this path, even if you are mocked and slandered - even then, my children. Look at My Son! Has he not been mocked and slandered? Was he not all alone? Didn't he also have to experience the abandonment? I have allowed it that He should also feel this abandonment of me in the sight of death. For you, My children, He has done everything. And you feed on these gifts, on this holiness.

You shall walk the path of sanctity until you reach your goal. The goal is eternal bliss. Once you will be allowed to participate in the wedding feast in heaven. You will sit there at the table. This is the eternal wedding feast. When you receive Holy Communion, you experience a part of this wedding feast. It is the sacrifice of Jesus Christ which is celebrated at these altars, the sacrifice of My Son. That is why also My Son is transformed in these holy hands of the priest and you are allowed to receive Him. With Godhead and humanity He enters into your hearts. Full of gratitude and love you can receive Him. Also the Blessed Mother, your dearest Mother, will let Divine Love penetrate deeper into your hearts. She is always praying for you and caring for you. She will never leave you alone on this path. Again and again the angels call you down, especially the Holy Archangel Michael, to support you and to be there for you.

The Holy Archangel Michael is the patron saint of your house chapel. Especially he will keep all evil from you. Again and again he raises his sword and strikes it in all four directions. Evil will not be able to harm you. Trust in it, My children! You will pass the tests! You will indeed be tested, because I, the heavenly Father, will allow this, but you will not succumb to evil. The Divine Strengths will flow above you and penetrate into you. You could not survive all this in human strength. But give thanks again and again for these Divine Strengths that are penetrating into you and give thanks for them. Through gratitude, joy will also enter your hearts. And I wish you especially on this day of the Lord, much blessing and much inner joy.

And now I want to bless, protect, love and send you, My beloved ones, My beloved little flock, with your Heavenly Mother, with all the angelic hosts, especially with Saint Michael the Archangel, with Saint Padre Pio, with the Holy Curé of Ars, especially with Saint Joseph, the Bridegroom of the Mother of God and also with Saint Francis. And so the Triune God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit blesses you. Amen. Live love and remain in love, for divine love lasts eternally. Amen.


