Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany


Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Abortion Is One of the Biggest Traps of Your Time Today!

- Message No. 1472 -


Message of March 13, 2025

Our Lady of Guadalupe: My child. Sit with Me and write for the children of the world.

My children. Every abortion is a sin, but I do not condemn anyone who has committed this sin.

You must understand, beloved children that you are, that you do not have the right to 'remove' a fetus.

Neither the mother-to-be, WHATEVER THE REASON FOR THIS SO DISGUSTING AND SINFUL DECISION, nor the person who condones or performs the abortion.

ALL those present, ALL those who advise on this decision are complicit and must do penance for it, but, beloved children that you are, I do not condemn any of you, especially not the expectant mother, who usually suffers the greatest suffering.

Jesus: My children. The world you live in is deceptive and sinful. You are presented with ideals and ideologies that have nothing to do with reality, with true real life, or are compatible with it.

You are created for eternity, and in eternity you shall live, but whoever commits mortal sins loses his eternal life in glory, he loses his peace of mind, and he can only live with this, such a great guilt, when his heart grows cold, his soul is stoned, and true love can no longer find its way into his innermost being, through this very coldness and petrification.

Our Lady of Guadalupe: My children. Many, so many of you, have committed this sin unaware of the consequences it entails.

But you have, beloved children that you are, especially NOW the chance to open yourselves, to recognize and to plead for forgiveness to Jesus and to the Father.

Pray to HIM who loves you and is so merciful that this sin may be forgiven you, My children.

Do not punish yourselves by refusing, closing or cutting off the way to Jesus, but find HIM who is your Savior and your Redeemer, open your heart to HIM, and let HIM enter so that HE may give you healing and forgiveness, and in repentance, true, sincere and painful repentance, beg for forgiveness, do penance and satisfaction, and renounce the devil and sin, beloved children that you are!

Jesus: Repent, beloved children, and make amends! There are many ways to make amends for your sins.

So use this way to 'work off' your sins and renounce all sin and the devil!

Whoever truly repents and atones will experience My mercy, for I, His Jesus, do not come as a judge to the one who seeks My forgiveness, but as a merciful Savior, so come to Me and seek My forgiveness, plead with Me, repent and make amends.

I, your Jesus, am merciful, but the time of justice draws near, and well to him who is aware of his sins in time and shows repentance, for when mercy gives way to justice, well to him who is with Me, with his Jesus. Amen.

Our Lady of Guadalupe: My child. Tell the children that the sin of abortion is great and deadly, but that My Son is merciful.

So come to HIM, all of you, women and men, children and mothers, fathers and offenders, for only through HIM will you not fall to the devil, only through HIS mercy, and this will give way to justice if you do not hasten and make yourselves ready for HIM, your Savior.

Beloved children. I, your Mother in Heaven, am with you and lead you to My Son.

Ask Me! Pray to Me! Seek your refuge in Me and in Jesus.

I take you by My hand and lead you to Him, but you must repent, confess to a Catholic priest and beg for forgiveness so that Jesus can also give you forgiveness.

I love you very much, that is why I speak to you today through Mary for the Divine Preparation of Hearts:

Repent of every single sin and forsake it. Resolve to live like a true Christian and TAKE RESPONSIBILITY!

Your society today presents beauty, sex, money, power and luxury as desirable in such a way that the real, genuine and true values and virtues, as well as morals, have been lost.

Yet it is the inner values and the virtues that make a person beautiful and shine, and it is the promised life that is worth striving for, devotion, humility and LOVE!

Jesus: What you call love these days is not true love!

Children, children, the devil has you under his spell and holds you captive in veils of mist, sham, glitter and gloom!

You can no longer see clearly!

You live as if you were trapped in his imaginary, non-real world!

Wake up, because life is more than this world!

You walk in front of walls that do not exist, but which the devil shows you so that you remain trapped in this illusory and shadowy world!

Each of you is created for eternity, so live to please the Father!

You fall into one sin after another and commit them!

Some of you don't even know that it's sin anymore, because 'everyone' is doing it!

Children, children, you are shameless, lewd and depraved!

Only a few of you are still living, as if God the Father were with them, seeing them and watching over them.

If you all lived like this, the world would be beautiful, it would have morals again, and you would strive for true values and virtue!

So come to your senses and break out of this diabolical circle you have fallen into!

I, your Jesus, am ready for you. Ask Me to help you and pray to Me and to the Father!!!

Pray to My Mother and seek your refuge in Her!

My Mother, Mary, who is also your Mother, do not spurn your prayer, and She spreads Her protective mantle over and around you so that you may take refuge in Her, and She takes you by Her tender, motherly hand and leads you to Me, who am your Savior.

Use this time and pray to Joseph, Her Bridegroom, My Nurturing Father on earth!

He is the greatest saint after My Mother in heaven and will intercede for you with Me and with the Father.

Pray to your saints who are so rich in number!

All of them are only waiting for your address and your supplications to help you, beloved children that you are, to bring you closer to Me, to give you easein intercession and prayer with Me and with the Father. Amen.

Do not forget your Holy Angels, and pray daily for protection to your Holy Guardian Angel.

So many angels are sent by the Father for your protection! Pray and ask, for they are rushing to your aid! For this the Father has sent them, beloved children that you are.

These are confusing times, but there is still a time of mercy! Make use of it and free yourselves from sin, wash yourselves clean in Holy Confession, do penance and repent.

Be ready, for very dark days are coming, but whoever is faithful to Me and remains faithful, I will also be with him. Amen.

Our Lady of Guadalupe: Beloved children that you are.

Abortion has become a social sin and is not seen as a sin by so many. But where sin is so great, the chastening hand of the Father strikes! Look what is happening in your world and put one and one together!

It cannot be overlooked, but you continue to talk yourselves up so as not to have to recognize the real reason! STOP!

You must recognize, and you must change, because you are in danger of perishing and being lostin and through your world of appearances, of 'sugar-coating', of 'excuses', the list is long, beloved children, it is very long...

God the Father: Repent, beloved children, for My chastening hand will strike there, when and where you least expect it, you should not change and continue to indulge in sin and revel in the devil's world of make-believe.

I, your Father in heaven, issue this warning today:

My chastening hand is withheld only because My Son and His Most Holy Mother with many saints ask Me to!

They look hopefully at you, beloved children, and implore Meand show Me the truly good and Jesus faithful children among you. They soften My paternal heart that loves you by showing Me how lost so many of you are and how they do not lose hope in your conversion!

My Holy Spirit is at work in many of you and I am a patient Father whose fatherly love for you overflows, but I also see those who are bottomless pits and whose hearts and souls are dark and black, petrified and icy cold!

Children, children, if there were not still those among you who are completely with My Son and beg Him and the Mother for moderation, for mercy, for forgiveness for all the sinful children, My chastising hand would have snapped shut and already destroyed whole cities and regions!

So I say to you, your Father in heaven, today:

Make use of the time of mercy and the merciful love of My Son!

Find Him so that you will not be lost, for the end is near, beloved children, and only he who is with My Son will survive this time. Amen.

My child. Life means eternal life. Please tell the children from Me, from their Father in heaven. Amen.

Yours and your Father in heaven, your loving Jesus and your loving Mother of Guadalupe. Amen.

Make this known, My child. Tell the children that abortion is the greatest evil of your time. Amen.

Your Mother of Guadalupe. Amen.

Source: ➥