Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, November 29, 2024
Love Will Win!
- Message No. 1461 -

Message of November 21, 2024
God the Father: My child. Times are hard, but do not despair.
Jesus: A soul who has found Me, is with Me, his Jesus, loves Me, is sincere, honest and devoted, this soul will not perish, for I defend her, not only from My Father on the Day of Judgment, but from all temptations and harms of the evil enemy, so that she remains pure and follows Me, her Jesus.
God the Father and Mother of God: My child. My Son is ready and waiting for you to speak. World affairs are fast, and fast you are being 'driven to the wall' by politics and justice, by officialdom, by banking and by the devil himself, whose Antichrist is among you, causing great harm to the whole world situation.
Children, children, be warned, for if you follow the wrong one, be told: your doom will be sealed if you believe the lies, follow those who come along, swear allegiance to the Antichrist and do not stand firm!
My son, your Jesus, stand ready to defend you, but learn to discern!
Not everything that is preached to you is the word of the Lord! Not everything that so many consecrated sons of My Son say and insist on is wanted by God!
God the Father: Children, children, you must learn to discern! I, your Father in heaven, am very concerned about you. My Son, Jesus Christ, stands ready, but do not confuse Him!
An angel of the Lord: You believe the lies! You follow those who come along! You take at face value what 'they' tell you and pretend to you!
Children, children, be warned, for so many are playing to the Antichrist and you don't see it!
Turn on your heart and pray and plead with the Holy Spirit for clarity, wisdom and knowledge!
You must understand how cunning the evil one is, and you can only do this with and through the Holy Spirit of the Lord and Father.
Whoever continues to live as if all is well, whoever thinks it does not affect him, let it be said: I, an angel of the Lord, have warned you on behalf of the Father!
Jesus will only defend the one who loves Him and is with Him! This love is unconditional! It is pure, sincere and honest! It comes from the heart, and Jesus MUST come first in your existence!
Examine yourselves, and if it is not so, then change! Run to Him who is your Savior and turn your back on the world! Do not give in in order to live comfortably for a few more hours! Your comfort will cost you eternity! So be warned! And be ready for the Lord, Jesus Christ, your Savior, for the day is near when He will come again, but He will not dwell among you a second time!
Love, honest, sincere love will triumph, but everything else will perish in the mire of hellfire, it will blaze and burn and eternal suffering will befall those who do not listen to the word of the Lord and Father!
Children, children, Jesus is your only chance! He is the only way! Whoever does not find Him will be lost, and the fires of hell will become his home...
You cannot imagine it, otherwise you would have already turned back, but listen, beloved children, listen to the word of the Lord and the Father and turn back before it is too late and you fall down with all the mire and misery for eternity. Amen.
I, an angel of the Lord, bring you this message today with the Father and Jesus, as well as the Mother, and many saints and holy angels, mighty ones, archangels, healing and meek ones, and many more.
If you knew how many angels the Lord and Father has sent out for you, you would shout for joy and accept and implore their help!
Beloved children, who you are: Pray and find the Lord! There is no other way.
Repent and pray! You must find Jesus! The time is short. Amen.
Your angel of the Lord with Jesus, the Father and all those mentioned present. Amen.
Our Lady: My child. The angel of the Lord has spoken to you, as well as the Father and Jesus. Make this known. Amen.
Source: ➥