Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, August 8, 2024
… so That They May Survive the End!
- Message No. 1446 -

Message of August 5, 2024
My child. Terrible times await you on earth, but do not fear, do not fear, for I, your and your Father in heaven, have already mitigated and continue to mitigate, so that My children can hold out and the greatest evils are held back.
Jesus: My child. My Father hears your prayers. Every single one, My child. So tell the children of the world to continue praying, much and fervently.
God the Father: For I hear your prayers and I grant relief so that the end will be bearable and tolerable for you.
Our Lady: But, beloved children, you must remain in prayer and always be faithful and devoted to My Son, your Jesus.
Jesus: Whoever does not follow Me, whoever becomes apostate, whoever does not stand firm, let it be said to him:
The end will come upon him, and there will be no mercy for him, for he has become unfaithful to Me, his Jesus, and has put his well-being above that of the Eternal.
Our Lady: So remain steadfast, beloved children, who you are, and always loyal and devoted to My Son.
Jesus: The devil will tempt you, and the temptations will become strong and stronger.
Our Lady: But, beloved children, you have nothing to fear if you remain hidden in My Son.
God the Father: You will be able to withstand the temptations if you remain faithful to HIM, your Redeemer.
Our Lady: And you must pray, My children, because where there is prayer, the devil has no power!
Beloved children, who you are: I, an angel of the Lord, warn you today:
Take the word of the Father, the Son and the most holy Mother Mary, your heavenly Mother, seriously, for time has advanced and the evils will break out when you least expect them.
John: It will come in rapid succession and you will have no time to prepare!
Mary Magdalene: Children, children! Take the word of the Mother and Our Lord very seriously. The Father is already softening, but do not give in to vigilance and prayer! That would be to drop the shield, and it would hit you unexpectedly, unprepared and hard!
Our Lady: Your prayers soften, My children, but do not give in to evil:
Remain in prayer and remain vigilant.
Jesus: Be prepared, beloved children, for all is very close.
An angel of the Lord: Thank the Father, beloved children, thank HIM to whom all honor is due, for HE softens and protects His children so that they may survive the end and not fall prey to the devil!
Our Lady with Mary Magdalene: Now go. My child.
God the Father: My daughter. Everything has been said.
Your Father in heaven, with Jesus, the Mother and many saints and angels present. Amen.
Source: ➥