Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, March 29, 2024
Don’t Fall for Those Who Conjure Up Your Downfall Again! Do Not Give Them This Power!
- Message No. 1435 -

Message from March 27, 2024
Father: My child. Evil days await you, but fear not. Do not be afraid. You do well to have everything together of what We have told you in these and other messages.
The time, My children, has come, and what has been said is coming to pass. Fear not, but be ready!
I, your Father in heaven, am intervening, but first the word that is written in these messages MUST be fulfilled.
John: My children. I, your John, foresaw this time. Many of you do not listen to the word that has been spoken, and an evil time will come to them because of their lukewarmness and disobedience.
So many children are not ready for what has been said here, and they will have a hard, very hard time.
Jesus: But the faithful and truly believing children will be carried through this time by Me, their Redeemer, who I am. So tell them, My daughter, tell them that I, your and their Jesus, will NEVER abandon them at ANY TIME!
Father: My children. My so beloved children. John revealed to you 3 parts of the book he saw and ate, commissioned by My Holy Angel, My children. The last part is pending and will be given to you when the time is right. But for now you must be ready for ALL that is written in these messages.
John: A time is coming, beloved children, which you are, that is unsightly and evil.
You are already living in utter confusion, which will end in utter aberration unless you are prepared.
What you see in your world today has nothing to do with the paradisiacal creation of the Lord and Father, what you live is far removed from what the Lord and Father created in purest love and intended for you!
As images of Him who is your Father, you should be living in a paradisiacal state, but you have turned away and at this point you are totally lost!
You live unnaturally in all states of being, and nothing, I repeat, nothing is sacred to you!
You have turned away from the Father!
You play God yourselves!
You do not keep His commandments in any way!
And you are shameful!
What has become of you and this wonderful world is heretical and repulsive! It no longer has anything to do with the earth created by God, and you are far from being His images, although created and willed by HIM who is Almighty, and yet you have managed to obey the serpent and become repulsive beings!
Children, children, be warned, for you are not worthy to come before God, your Creator!
Children, children, be warned, for you are not worthy to come before Jesus!
You only have one chance not to get lost, and that chance is called REPENTANCE!
But your time is very short and those who have not made an effort so far will hardly be able to become worthy of Jesus by the time the warning comes!
Shame on you, My children, shame on you, for Heaven united has been warning you for some time!
You do not hear!
You do not see!
You do not change!
Repent before it's too late!
The dark time is coming, and blow by blow you will perish WITHOUT hope of salvation!
You pay homage to the one who does not love you!
You pay homage to those who bring about your downfall!
Children, children, how you have gone astray!
The Father is waiting for you, but only those who have confessed Jesus will find Him!
If you keep on sinning, chasing after money and glamor, the Lord can do nothing for you!
You will ALL be lost if you do not confess Jesus, truly and sincerely, and walk faithfully at His side!
Dear children: The time is ripe. Use these last days and be ready.
I, your John, bring you this message today, because things are not going well for you, for your world events, your existence and your salvation!
You must give Jesus your yes and BE READY! There is no other way.
As soon as the Antichrist shows his true face, it will be too late for you. It will come one blow after another and you will not have time to classify the events.
Blind and unprepared, you will succumb to him who is the adversary of the Lord, and you will perish.
So listen to My word, listen to the word of the Father, and be ready! Only your conversion will save you, your conversion to Jesus. Amen.
My children. Great signs will be done in the sky, but know that many will come from the Antichrist!
Bad and serious illnesses will break out, know that these also come from the evil one and his henchmen.
Be ready for those days and do not fall (again) for those who bring about your downfall! Do not give them this power, My children!
Remain vigilant, for great natural events will occur.
See what is already happening and then see where you are.
You do not have much time left, so be ready. Amen.
I, your John, love you very much. I will come back and report to you.
Yours and your John. Apostle and 'favorite' of Jesus. Amen.
Source: ➥