Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, February 16, 2024
What May Seem Like Miracles,…
- Message No. 1429 -

Message of January 27, 2024
God the Father: Oh, My child. Thank you for coming today too.
My child. Great signs will be visible in the sky, but know and know now that these signs are not from Me and not from My Son!
They are signs that the Antichrist will show in the sky with the help of his accomplices, and many children will take him for WHO HE IS NOT.
Our Lady: My children. You must remain very vigilant, for the evil plans are being forged and are being realized step by step.
What may seem like miracles are tricks and deceit!
Do not think they, the False Prophet and the Antichrist, are doing miracles, for only with the help of long preparations and the devil behind them are they able to make it seem like miracles.
Jesus: My children. I, your Jesus, warn you:
Do not believe what you see, for much is a sham!
Do not believe what you hear, for it is (much) falsified!
Remain vigilant, beloved children that you are, for nothing is as it seems, and many things seem to be real, but they are not!
You must remain vigilant and in prayer.
Only the Holy Spirit protects you from decay and aberration! Pray to Him and beg for His clarity! It is important that you pray daily to Him, My children.
I, your Jesus, will come again, but I will not dwell among you a second time. When I come, the time will be over. Be aware of this. My New Kingdom is coming after the 3 dark days, and blessed is he who has known how to discern and does not follow the Antichrist!
Blessed is he who recognizes the forked tongue of his False Prophet!
Blessed is he who remains faithful to Me, his Jesus, and perseveres!
God the Father: My Holy Spirit keeps you strong and makes you recognize, beloved children that you are, so pray to Him daily, so that you do not fall prey to such great and ever-increasing confusion and aberration.
Listen to Our Word, beloved children, so that you may not perish and your soul may attain eternal peace in the New Kingdom and with Me, with her Father in Heaven.
Jesus: My Kingdom lasts a thousand years and blessed is he who may enter, for he will find the Father and will be eternally happy.
So prepare yourselves, for what has been said will come to pass.
I love you very much. We love you very much.
Your Jesus, your Father in heaven and your Mother in heaven. Amen.
Whoever prays to Us is NEVER alone!
The New Kingdom is prepared, and blessed is he who finds entrance.
Only through Me, through his Jesus, will he get there. Only through Me, through his Savior, WHO I AM. Amen.
I love you very much.
Remain strong and steadfast and endure this last time through.
Your prayer helps, so use it. Amen.
Your Jesus. Amen.
Note: There are numerous holy angels, archangels, small and mighty angels and saints present.
Source: ➥