Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, February 9, 2024
This Message Is to Be Taken Seriously!
- Message No. 1426 -

Message from January 20, 2024
My child. Difficult times await you, but you should never be afraid. I, an angel of the Lord, tell you this: Jesus, your Jesus, who loves you so much, is with you. HE, who is your Savior, will not leave you alone.
My Son, beloved children that you are, is present in the lives of all those who honor HIM and pray to HIM, who are faithful to HIM and devoted to HIM.
My protective hand is with the one who is truly faithful to Jesus. His devotion is the key to his protection, which I, his Father in heaven, grant him, that is, beloved children that you are: Everyone, and I repeat everyone, who is truly faithful and devoted to My Son has nothing to fear.
But whoever is nevertheless afraid should test himself, for where there is fear, there is a lack of truly deep faith and truly deep trust in Jesus and His omnipotence.
So test yourselves, beloved children that you are, for the end is very near, and only he who is fully anchored in My Son will stand firm and not go astray.
Know that the confusion is now increasing.
Remain vigilant, beloved children, for your salvation is at stake. I, your Father in heaven, am intervening, but the Antichrist is still making evil preparations to take over the world government!
Be vigilant and pray much. The Act of Atonement of the 7 Hail Marys is more important than ever. Commit it fervently and with devotion! (Prayer no. 43 to BS 1393)
The great meeting of the mighty brings shame! You do not see it, but the greatest abominations are planned. Coupled with the preparations of the Antichrist, who meets with the great and powerful, your downfall and enslavement is planned.
Pray, My children, for it is through the prayers of all of you that these 'mighty ones' will not get away with their aims!
It is the prayer of all of you that people -no matter how far they may be from My Son and Me, their Father in Heaven- RETURN!
It is your prayer that works the miracles of this time.
So pray, beloved children that you are, for by your prayer you CHANGE! By your prayer you CONVERT! Through your prayer you change the goals and objectives of those who make deals and agreements with the Antichrist and the oligarchs!
Be aware of your power! Your prayer has this power!
So pray, beloved children, and trust in your Jesus, My Son who loves you. HE will come and His return is near, but for now the worst times are beginning for so many of Our children!
Europe, convert, for things are bad for you!
America, repent, for you have strayed from the true path! (Note: My attention is particularly focused on North America, with an emphasis on the USA, but also Canada)
Those who believe they are safe will soon awaken from this dream!
You will only find security and I repeat ONLY IN MY SON.
No country in the world can give you security anymore and there, where the apostasy has become so enormous, people will be badly affected. They do not expect it, but be vigilant and convert, for your countries (nations) are doomed!
America and Europe will be involved in terrible wars. You do not believe it, you feel secure in your superficial and material life, but I tell you today: both nations will suffer, one more, the other less, and I tell you now, beloved Spain, you too will suffer My chastisements if you do not convert!
So take My word to heart, for I am concerned about you: Repent, for it is the only way not to be lost!
Pray much and pray fervently, for your prayer has the power to stop and prevent the hardest intentions!
Pray and atone for the 7 Hail Marys!
You don't have much time left.
I love you very much. Listen to My call and pray!
The world MUST convert or it will fall into ruin without My chastening hand!
My chastening hand will strike ALL who would not listen!
There will be a great cleansing and like vermin flying into a cloud of poison, people will perish and die - eternal death - because they did not want to hear!
You can make atonement for the conversion of the erring and apostate children. For this I give you instructions that you can perform easily and daily. It is effective, so use it, because: The more children convert, the milder the end will be. The devil will not be able to achieve his goals and will therefore NEVER reach his actual goal!
(Note: The Hail Mary: Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.)
Commit this act of atonement with a loving, fervent and imploring heart. The more children convert, the milder the end times will be.
The more atonement you offer up to Jesus and the Father, the greater the effect.
Your mother in heaven. Amen.
Source: ➥