Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, December 15, 2023
Your steadfastness will be greatly tested!
- Message No. 1418 -

Message from December 11, 2023
God the Father: My child. Tell the children that We love them and tell them to pray. Their steadfastness will be tested, My child, so tell them from Me, from their Father in Heaven.
Beloved children that you are. I, God Most High, am addressing you today through Maria for the Divine Preparation of Hearts to tell you the following:
Your steadfastness will be greatly tested in these days, and you must pray and implore the Holy Spirit to keep you strong and persevering, for it is only the beginning of a very difficult time, and those who do not persevere will truly experience difficult times.
Jesus: My children. My Father and your Father are very concerned about you. There is too little steadfastness in you. You are pliable, like puppets, and you are daring, like foolish children who do not listen!
You are on black ice, beloved children that you are, bending yourselves and Our Word, which you try to adapt to YOUR needs as you please, but be told:
You are playing dangerously, for you are playing with fire, and there will only be ONE who laughs in the end, and it will not be you, beloved children that you are, if you do not stand firm and remain faithful to Me, your Jesus.
God the Father: My beloved children. Listen to Our Word in these messages, for your salvation is at stake! You will not find your salvation in this world, for it is Jesus alone, My Son who became man for you, who leads you to salvation that lasts forever.
Only He is the way to Me, to your loving Father in heaven, only He alone!
So listen to Our Word in these messages, for everything will be darkened, and only he who is with HIM, with his Jesus, will recognize the true, genuine light, but all others will succumb to the deceptions of the devil and his Antichrist. You will suffer, My children, if you are NOT faithful to Jesus, and I, your Father, am very concerned.
Go to your Holy Masses, adore and pray a lot! Your salvation is at stake, and the world - the devil's show stage - beckons with temptation, deception, greed and sin!
So stand firm, beloved children that you are, for your salvation is at stake and your steadfastness will be tested.
Pray for all creatures (of Mine) and pray for your neighbor. You must begin to pray for your enemies.
He who does not pray for his enemies still has a great 'piece of work' ahead of him. His soul is not pure. It cannot be pure, because hatred and displeasure, resentment and melancholy, have crept into it and will spread if you do not begin to forgiveand pray for your enemies!
Your prayer is strong and has power!
So pray much, and pray with your heart's blood, for he for whom you pray with your heart's blood will find Me!
Listen to My word, which is holy, and pray for your enemies.
I love you very much.
Your Father in heaven.
Creator of all God's children and Creator of all being. Amen.
Source: ➥