Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, October 21, 2023
You Are on a Powder Keg!
- Message No. 1413 -

Message of October 10, 2023
God the Father: My child. My daughter. Tell the children they must pray. It is the time of fervent prayer, for there is 'seething' everywhere.
There are confrontations all over the world, and escalations are being planned in secret by the most evil hand. But your earth is also seething, and many earthquakes, tsunamis, splintering of pieces of earth, and other most violent and destructive catastrophes will break loose. You are on a powder keg that can be blown up at any time, to illustrate it to you.
Jesus: Stay strong, My beloved children, because the worst is yet to come! You are in a 'devilish' time, and it is the devil who brings so much suffering and sorrow upon you.
His son will present himself as the peacemaker that he is not, but too many of you will be blinded and fall for him. It is the time of prayer so that you may remain strong, vigilant, discerning and persevering, beloved children that you are.
Mother of God: My child. The Father and My Son, your Jesus, are concerned about you. You do not use, or use too little, the gifts that are given to you from 'Heaven'! So listen to My word and pray a lot! The measure of destruction and the measure of devastation and the measure of suffering you will have to (endure) diminishes with every prayer you sincerely, honestly and in deep faith in Jesus!
God the Father: A time of war awaits you. Christianity and Judaism will suffer especially. It is a deceptive time, and the Antichrist will find his place right there as the one he is not, My children. So remain very vigilant and on guard, because the evil game has begun and will now show itself more and more visibly.
Our Lady: You must pray and ask for the power and clarity of the Holy Spirit.
God the Father: We are always at your side, but you must ask Our help.
I love you very much.
Your Father in heaven.
Creator of all God's children and Creator of all being. Amen.
Jesus: My child. The evil one holds the reins in his hand. As soon as his lashes reach those he has purchased, your world will fall into desolation.
The destruction will be great and so will the oppression.
Pray, pray and supplicate! Your prayer has the power to hold back the worst and it protects you!
Pray, My children, pray, because your prayer is needed more than ever!
Pray, My children, pray, the Father intervenes! But you must pray and ask and plead that the power of the Antichrist may diminish, in time and in strength!
Pray, My children, pray for the conversion of all the children of men!
Commit the expiatory act of the 7 Hail Marys!* (Prayer No. 43 / Bs 1393)
Whoever does not pray does not need to hope for miracles! But whoever prays, honestly, intimately and sincerely and remains faithful and devoted to Me, his Jesus, I will bestow on him My miracles and grace, protection and blessings will (be) bestowed on him and his loved ones!
So pray, beloved children, pray, for it is 'boiling' worldwide in and on your earth. Amen.
You do not know what awaits you!
ALL will be taken away from you if you do not start to pray. Amen.
Yours and your Jesus.
You can make atonement for the conversion of the erring and apostate children. For this I give you an instruction that you can perform easily and daily. It is effective, so use it, because: The more children convert, the milder the end will be. The devil will not be able to enforce his goals and thus will NEVER reach his real goal!
Dearest Father. I offer up to You this act of atonement, for the conversion of sinners in
Politics: 1 Hail Mary
Economy: 1 Hail Mary
Finance: 1 Hail Mary
Science: 1 Hail Mary
Health care: 1 Hail Mary
Schools (ministries of culture, educational system, etc.): 1 Hail Mary
Universal Church: 1 Hail Mary
(Note: The Hail Mary: Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.)
Furthermore, I pray for repentance of all sinners in the world. Accept My prayer of atonement, dearest Father, for the repentance of all the children of men. Amen.
Commit this act of atonement with a loving, intimate and supplicating heart. The more children convert, the milder the end times will be.
The more atonement you offer to Jesus and the Father, the greater the effect.
Your mother in heaven. Amen.
Source: ➥