Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, October 26, 2022
Hurry up! The final battle is about to begin!
- Message No. 1380 -

You must pray much, My children, for it is only through prayer that you will be able to withstand evil.
It is through prayer that you can and will(!) withstand much of the evils that are planned and now manifesting themselves.
It is through prayer, that many more souls will be converted and thus the evil will be stopped.
It is through prayer, that you will be saved.
My child. Hardest times await you, and many of Our children will turn away from the Lord just to be able to survive in this world of yours, but they do not see the danger behind it.
My child. Tell the children of the world that only Jesus is the way to Eternal Life, and that the here and now is only a very short period of time.
The 'true' life begins after death, but you suppress it!
You reach the true life only with and in Jesus, but you are comfortable and concerned about your earthly well-being and suppress the One who prepares the way to the Father for you.
The true life is not earthly! It is not to be found in material things, also not in pleasures of your earthly world.
The true life begins with Jesus, and it will always be.
Even if many of you do not understand Me now:
Your only way is Jesus, there is no other!
Your only way is repentance and renunciation of your earthly entanglements!
Your only way not to be lost is the irrevocable YES to Our Lord, Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for you, beloved children, for ALL of you, and prepared and is preparing for you the way to the Kingdom of Heaven to the Father!
Your hope, your trust, your security and your faith is Jesus! Only HE, only through HIM, only with HIM you will be worthy children of God, but without HIM you will never attain Eternal Life in Glory!
Whoever believes that Muhammad is the way, he is mistaken!
Whoever believes that anyone can lead him to the Eternal Life in Joy, he is mistaken and will be bitterly disappointed and shocked!
Whoever believes that a sect could lead him to Jesus, is mistaken!
Whoever believes there is another way than Jesus Christ, he is mistaken!
Whoever believes in any religion NOT based on Christ, through HIM and with HIM, he is on wrong ways!
He will have a rude awakening, but then it will be too late for him, for his soul!
And those, who do not believe at all, let me tell you: Hell, with all its facets of the underworld, satanic, demonic, tormenting, full of misery and suffering(s), is full of those, who did NOT want to believe!
You do not save yourselves if you deny Jesus!
You will not save yourselves if you deny hell!
You do not save yourselves if you cling to earthly life!
You do not save yourselves if you remain captive in the misbeliefs of other religions!
And you do not save yourselves, if you live only the individualism!
Children, children, let me tell you: Who does not wake up, who continues to sleep and who holds on to the here and now, let him be told:
The devil has prepared satanic things for you, and most satanic you will be treated.
You will be his slaves, chipped, manipulated and always in fear!
You will be controlled, even your thoughts and feelings!
You will be switched off and still think all this is not possible.... How you stray before you, without true faith, without hope of Eternal Life, without trust and security, because you find them only in Our Lord!
No one, and I repeat, no one in your world today can still give you security, even if you ALL do not want to admit it!
The world governments have turned against the people (that's you, My children) and dance as puppets on the strings of those who manipulate them! They direct your politicians, your media is bought by them, and your social media devices and user apps are manipulated and CONTROLLED by them. There are few who still report freely, who are not watching you, who are NOT sharing your data.... The list is long...
Children, wake up yet! Now is the time!
When the end rolls over you, you hardly have a chance!
Everything is coming very fast! It will come like a thief in the night, which nobody expected and yet it will be as I, your Antoni Maria Claret, tell you today, in agreement with God, Our Father, the Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth and ALL Being, Jesus and Our dear Mother Mary, Virgin of Virgins and Mother of Jesus, Our Savior. Amen.
Hurry up! The final battle begins.
Pray! Through your prayer you will endure this time. Amen.
With deep devotion.
Your Antoni Maria Claret
Source: ➥