Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, December 18, 2020
It is almost time!
- Message No. 1271 -

The days, they are already dark,
but do not despair, dear people,
for Jesus, the Lord, will come soon,
so rejoice, you children, for HE redeems you all,
those who are faithful and devoted to Him,
so you had better all get ready,
for when the time comes, My children,
then you should be purified and clean, like the wind,
come before the Lord Jesus Christ,
kneel before Him, and pray to Him,
beg Him for forgiveness of your sins,
and confess to Him, My children,
for only he who truly loves the Lord,
honors Him, prays to Him and does not sneak like a thief.
creeps up with sin and burdensome shame,
wants to deceive him, let him be told:
The Lord sees all things, and no thief
will ever deceive Him, but HE forgives,
who sincerely repents of his sins,
and comes to Him, My repentant people.
so do not seek to deceive Him who loves you,
for HE alone forgives your sin.
Convert and become good children,
only that is what counts in the end.
Convert yourselves, then, and become pious people,
for soon, soon you will hear the sound of bells.
from heaven high, there it comes from
and is to be heard everywhere, and more
than you can imagine, my children,
but it will come, and that already swiftly.
And the signs in the sky you will all hear and see,
From near and from far they will be heard and seen.
You do not believe it, little children,
but it will be so, so make yourselves pure.
with repentance, repent and confess your sins,
for soon, very soon, the Child Jesus will come,
who will forgive all those who repent,
and for this you may all rejoice.
I love you very much and I pray a lot,
We are many in heaven, who plead with the Lord for you.
the grace, the gentleness, the contemplation,
which you have lost, dear people.
you get caught up in work, in toil and stress,
live in hectic, and restlessness gives you the rest,
and you do not come to rest and do not find the Lord,
and on the contrary you are still drifting further and further away
from Him who created you and loves you all,
waits for you, for repentance and forgives you,
from Him, My children, you are moving further and further away.
and are drowning in everyday life, and you feel empty,
no power, no strength, hardships, and heavy
you feel, because all of you are not with the Lord.
if you were with Him at all times,
would you, dear child', be truly ready for Him,
you would be the happiest children in the world,
although it is just about this is very bad,
but a soul that is truly with the Lord,
misses nothing in this world.
it is happy and content in the Lord,
and the world outside doesn't need it.
to be glad and happy in the Lord,
to trust in Jesus alone.
though she too must walk, the steps in this world,
but she walks with Jesus, and is not attached to money,
not to luxury, to power, to recognition, My child,
you alone are enough for Jesus, so do not be blind,
and detach yourselves from glamour and appearance,
and find the Lord, for HE IS love, HE alone.
So do not be afraid, My dear children,
for soon, very soon, it will go quickly,
and the Lord will then stand before you,
so get ready, for it is not too late.
I love, and I thank you,
that you listen to Me, My dear people.
listen to the Mother's call and convert,
for Her Son, your Jesus, stands ready
for you, My children, be ready,
choose well, for the time is near.
I love you and say adieu,
your Bonaventure.
Source: ➥