Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
The hour of mercy will have to give way to justice!
- Message No. 1266 -

Jesus in agony: tell the children that I love them. They may prepare themselves. My second coming is near. Tell them, please.
I am suffering a lot. Your world will be lost if you do not wake up and pray. My 2nd coming is near, and well may he who has prepared for it. Blessed is he who entrusts himself to My mercy, and blessed is he who will not be exposed to the Father's just hand, for when mercy is followed by justice, there is no mercy for you.
Therefore, convert now, before it is too late, and find Me, your Jesus, for the time that remains to you is short, and the hour of mercy will have to give way to justice. Amen.
With deep love.
Your Jesus, who I suffer, My children, for you, for your offenses. Amen.
Wake up, beloved children that you are, for the last hour will soon have struck. Amen.
My child,
everything happens very quickly,
and soon, Jesus stands before you and you,
so open a door for HIM already now,
for He loves you all very much,
so never stay away from HIM,
for He is waiting for you, dear people,
and with joy in your heart and with the sound of heaven,
HE rejoices over every soul,
who comes to HIM, no matter from how far,
for His mercy is infinite,
and every sinner who repents finds light,
forgiveness and so much more,
in Jesus, His only Lord.
so rejoice, little children,
for Jesus invites you all,
to go to HIM and full of joy,
He will forgive the sins of all people,
who honestly repent of their sins,
and you may all rejoice!
But do not wait, dear people,
for when you hear the sound of heaven,
the sign in the sky that Jesus is coming,
then, My children, you should already be pious,
and repentant and in devotion to the Lord,
for now righteousness is not far off,
and good to him who has found Jesus,
and not only has laughed at HIM.
for when it comes, the justice,
no one will be spared eternal suffering,
which blossoms for those who do not find to the Lord,
and rather stay away from HIM,
and sin 'by hook or by crook',
this day means for them their eternal end,
for none will be spared,
so hurry up, dear people,
for mercy will depart very soon,
and then, My children, the great bang will come.
So do not be afraid, you who are with Jesus,
and do not hide, all you other people,
for ALL of you will stand before the Lord,
but for many it will be too late.
So ask yourselves what you really want,
the Lord's love or eternal resentment,
which brings you sorrow and pierces your soul,
a pain that threatens you for eternity.
so be ready, for the Lord is coming soon,
still you have time, so make yourselves ready.
Who does not want to go the way to the Lord,
for him it will soon really be too late.
Use the time, dear people,
and rejoice in the Lord, little children.
I love you very much, and united in heaven,
we pray for your time today,
that many more children may repent,
before it is too late, and time runs out.
November 1 2020, Lourdes
During the night of prayer from 10/31 to 11/1/2020, God the Father, Jesus and Our Lady spiritually showed me this message and that now was the time to publish it.
On 01.11.2020 on a rosary pilgrimage this call was repeated:
Our Lady: 'My child. My dear child. Make known the message 1052. It is important that the children become attentive/aware. Amen.'
God the Father: 'My child. Make the message 1052 known now. It is important that My children awaken. Amen' .
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