Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, October 8, 2020
Whoever plays the evil game will be lost!
- Message No. 1263 -

Our Lady is very sad:
'My children do not believe Me, they do not believe in My Word.
It hurts My Mother Heart, which loves you, very much to see how lost you are. You believe men more than My Son and you believe the word of men rather than Mine. Children, wake up! This is not the right way! You must wake up, and you must be faithful and devoted to Jesus, My Son, and follow Him, your Savior, but not to those who run around and think they know EVERYTHING better.
My children. I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, call to you: Wake up! Rise up and resist the secularization of the Church! Do not doubt My Word, but remain vigilant, because many lies are being spread and My children are being divided, in your world and in the Holy Church of My Son.
So trust completely in Jesus! Remain faithful to Him and follow Him! So many shenanigans are going on, and Our Word is being doubted. It saddens Me to see that you believe and follow men more than My Son and than Our Word in these and other messages that We have given you for this time that you are living.
Convert, and find completely to My Son, beloved children that you are. See through the evil game, and remain faithful and devoted to My Son! Do not follow those who run away, and remain vigilant! Do not adhere to the lips of those who pretend to be important and those who spread lies in the name of My Son. This is not the way! Go within yourselves! Pray! And remain faithful to Jesus! Whoever plays the evil game will be lost, and My Son will not be able to do anything for him, so stay alert, and prepare yourselves, because the time you have left is short, and everything is already happening blow by blow.
Do not hope in your politicians, because most of them are bought. If you would see the entanglements, you would be shocked and fainting, because a pure soul cannot grasp so much 'misery' (note: dirt, filth, scum) . It is a misery, produced by the devil, and everyone who plays along, finds the way out only with difficulty and mostly not at all, because the entanglements go into all areas, and whoever has got involved with the devil and his has hardly any chance to get out.
So remain vigilant, beloved children that you are, for the swamp is great and to be found in all areas of your life, i.e. the devil has insidiously and insidiously infiltrated all areas of life, through his henchmen and accomplices, and only a few still hold out against it.
Pray for those who do, for it is your only chance of mitigating the end. If it were not for these people, your world would look different today, and the limitations you already live today are nothing compared to what would already be if it were not for these people. So pray for them, and plead with Heavenly Father for His intervention. We are working on mitigation, but We need your prayers.
With deep love and a sorrowful heart, I take leave of you today. Listen to My word and prepare yourselves. Amen.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.'
Source: ➥