Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, January 17, 2020
Stop, My children, and let peace come into your lives!
- Message No. 1229 -

She is a good that you genomm'n,
in this time of bustle and strife,
the selfishness, the suffering,
but children, you do well,
to come to peace, therefore put everything into it,
to carry peace in your hearts,
to feast on the Lord's love,
and then go out into your world,
strengthened, satisfied and without much money,
for the Lord will take care of you,
in joy, in sorrow, in greatest need,
but rest is what you need,
in the world you are building today,
where shine and glitter do dwell,
the shine blinds you and the scorn
the devil laughs from every corner,
oh children, would you have thought it,
that with all the material stuff,
the devil got the upper hand with you.
So repent and find your way back,
for the Lord alone is the true light,
that leads you home to the Father,
for someday it will be over, and you will be dead,
and where will you go, My children,
if you are not already on earth completely pure.
So be afraid of the great distress,
which your soul will experience after your death,.
if you say NO to the Lord Christ,
you do not care, do not purify, do not miss HIM.
Turn back, My dear children,
for otherwise it may soon be too late for you.
But great splendor and glorious joy,
that come to those who give their escort to the Lord,
those who honor HIM, love HIM, are faithful to HIM,
these are the children who all gain the kingdom of heaven,
because they love and honor the Lord already here,
so repent, you foolish ones, you,
for the devil is only using you as a plaything,
and you should know that, otherwise you will be stupefied,
when hell rises and you see the flames,
then, My dear children, everything is too late.
So make use of the time that remains to you,.
renounce earthly joy and accept all suffering,
which gives honor and relief to the Lord,
and HE repays you, for God, HE repays
to all children who do good,
honor and love HIM and rest in peace,
but it's hard, dear children, in your world,
where only glitter and glamour count and lots of money.
None of this is for eternity,
but the Lord's love, it endures forever.
So repent before it is too late for you,
and now I say goodbye, and see you soon, dear people.
Stay pure and eternally faithful to the Lord,
for only in this way are you truly the Lord's delight.
I love you and must go now,
Your Bonaventure. Goodbye.
Source: ➥