Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany


Sunday, July 28, 2019

No one will be able to withstand him who is not with Jesus!

- Message No. 1223 -


My child. Please tell the children of the earth how important their prayer is. Please tell them.

Your mother from Garabandal and Jesus from Limpias. Amen.


Holy Archangel Michael: My child. My child so loved by Me. There are unpleasant times coming upon your world. You must always remain in prayer and trust in OUR help, for those who pray to Us and trust in Jesus, We hasten to help, protect and guide them through ALL difficulties.

Pray, beloved children, for peace and freedom in your world.

The devil is rearing up one last time with an attempt to usurp the power of the world, but this will fail. But you must pray, beloved children that you are, because if you do not pray, he will gain more and more power. If you do not pray, the time of the end will be hard to endure. If you do not pray, the Antichrist will lead ALL of you behind the light, and you will not be able to withstand the temptation without prayer and sincere loyalty, devotion and love to Jesus.

Pray, beloved children that you are, so that you will not fall prey to temptations, will not follow the Antichrist, and will keep faithfulness to Jesus.

Whoever does not pray will have no chance of salvation, for the Lord hastens to help those who pray and love HIM.

Who does not pray will be led behind the light, because the Antichrist is charismatic and attracts people like a magnet, and no one will be able to withstand him WHO IS NOT WITH JESUS!

Whoever does not pray will be lost in the hell fires, and the New Kingdom will not be his.

Whoever does not pray will be lost to the devil, even if he thinks it is not so, because the devil is deceitful and lies and deceives, and you will be led astray and into false paths if you do not pray fervently, My children, if you do not love the Lord, if you are apostate and neither faithful, nor sincere, nor devoted to Jesus.

So pray, My children, pray, because only prayer changes. Only prayer will bring you close to Jesus. Only through prayer will you be able to remain faithful to Jesus. Only through prayer will you obtain mitigation and shortening of the time of the end.

You must pray, beloved children that you are, and you must begin NOW, because otherwise it will be too late for you, and you will be lost in the snares of the evil one and run towards the Antichrist with open arms, which means your damnation.

Pray, My children, pray. I, your Holy Archangel Michael, implore you to pray deeply and intimately. Amen.


'Put into practice what the Holy Archangel Michael communicated to you. Amen.'

Your Mother of Garabandal.

Mother of all God's children and Mother of Redemption. Amen.

Source: ➥