Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany


Monday, June 26, 2017

In his greatest triumph he will perish!

- Message No. 1178 -


My child. Thank you for coming. Sit down and listen to what I, what We have to say today: Even though soon the sky will darken and it will seem that the evil one is triumphing, be sure that he will never triumph, because in his greatest triumph he will perish and with him all and everything that and who does not come from My Son.

So get ready for those dark days, for they are near, and when the roll of thunder reaches the earth, YOU MUST BE READY.

We give few public messages at this time, yet We hold up Our Remnant ArmyChildren, ie: We will not leave any of you alone.

Pray much, beloved flock of children, and pray the prayers We gave you for these end times. Memorize them, that when the time comes, you may pray them for yourselves and your fellows. They hold special graces of mercy and save souls.

Pray them much and pray them fervently and do not abandon My and My Son's Rosary. Your prayers work the miracles of this time, so pray, My children, pray.

I love you very much and My Son stands ready. Be ready too, because the time you have left is short, very short, and when the first thunderclap comes you must be ready.

Go now, My child. Make this message known. Amen.

Your Mother in Heaven.

Mother of all God's children and Mother of Salvation, with Jesus and the saints praying ALL for you. Amen. Go now and come again. Amen.

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