Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, October 17, 2015
The important thing is to repent of your sins!
- Message No. 1088 -

My child. Tell the children today that We love them. Tell them again and again!
Every child who confesses Jesus, no matter what wrong he may have done, will be received into His Holy Savior Arms. The important thing is that you, beloved children, repent of your sins!
Seek Holy Confession while it is still possible for you, and confess, atone and repent, My children! Through repentance you purify yourselves, that is, you are forgiven if you repent, but you must confess your sins before God, Jesus, My Son, and repent.
Listen to My call, beloved children, for through Holy Confession you can start anew if you repent and repent. Your heart will be renewed and your soul washed clean!
So use the Holy Sacrament of Confession and clothe yourselves -your soul- in pure garments! My Son is present in every confession and HE forgives you!
So use this so great mercy and accept this so wonderful gift!
Take advantage of the hour of mercy that is still beating and wash yourselves clean for your Savior who loves you so much and who will come to lift you up at the end of times. Amen.
Atone, My children, atone for your brothers and sisters in the Lord, so that they too may have the opportunity to find their way to My Son, and pray, beloved children, for your prayer is so much needed. Amen.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Make this known, My child. It is important. Amen.
Source: ➥