Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, October 8, 2015
"Say it every day, My children: O Lord Jesus Christ, may YOUR WILL be done in Me and on earth. Amen."
- Message No. 1080 -

My child. My dear child. Good Morning. Please tell Our children once again today how great Our love is for them, and that it is through this infinitely great love that We speak to them, warn them, and prepare them so that not one of them may be lost and make their way home to God Our Father, through Christ, your Savior and Lord who loves you so much, whose coming is imminent to raise up every child faithful to HIM and loving HIM, to live TOGETHER in the New Kingdom -the Paradise- in perfection, for what awaits you there, dear children of the LORD, cannot be compared to earthly things, for it is of a glory not describable in earthly words, and your soul -you, beloved children- will experience perfection in all aspects, and rejoicing will be your soul and heart, for you will be so close to God as not possible in earthly lifetime, and you will be filled and flooded with His love, and this kingdom will last 1000 years.
Do not be afraid, My children, because in order to be raised you do not have to die. You will be "renewed", beloved children in the Lord, and this will happen in just a moment, without suffering, because evil will no longer exist, but in the greatest joy, which will make you perfect inwardly as well as outwardly- also this cannot be described with earthly words.
It is an unspeakable fullness that awaits you in Paradise, the New Kingdom of My Son, and only he who has washed himself clean will find entrance.
So prepare yourselves, beloved children, and hope for the mercy of My Son, for it will be granted to everyone who sincerely and full of love, honestly and with repentance confesses in his heart to My Son, turns to HIM and asks for His help and guidance.
HIS WILL be done, My children, not yours. Amen.
Say it every day, My children: O Lord Jesus Christ, may YOUR WILL be DONE on Me and on earth. Amen.
I love you. Have courage. Soon it will be accomplished. Amen.
Your Mother in heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
She is accompanied by God the Father and Jesus and the Holy Angels.
Source: ➥