Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, May 25, 2015
"Arise for My Son. Amen."
- Message No. 953 -

My child. My dear child. There you are. Please tell Our children the following today: Stand up, rise up for My Son and defend HIM, for without your Jesus your world will be lost and those of you who do not confess HIM, spurn Him, desecrate Him and inflict suffering, be told: Your wailing will be great and your horror shocking, for all at once you will be aware that you have lived wrongly and there will be no turning back for you! You have spurned and rejected Jesus, your Savior, the only One who could have saved you from the eternal, cruel suffering that awaits you.
You will see clearly how you should have lived, but it will be too late for you. You have freely (and with free will(!)) decided against Jesus, and so without HIM you will spend your eternity in the kingdom of hell.
The devil rejoices, he has seduced, befuddled, beguiled you and driven you into his trap! He has skillfully played out his intrigues, and you have believed him, BECAUSE YOU HAVE HID YOURSELF FROM THE TRUTH.
Children, don't do this to yourselves! There is still time for your repentance, but time is pressing more with each passing day!
Repent, confess Jesus, give your YES to HIM, so that you will not be lost!
Stand up for HIM, rise up and defend Jesus, because only HE is Savior of the world and Savior of yours, without HIM your world and you will be lost!
Arise now, for the time has come, and you must be ready and strengthened for Jesus! Whoever does not prepare himself will be lost, and his soul will go to the Adversary.
So get ready and wait no longer. Only Jesus is your way to glory, so defend HIM and rise for HIM. Amen.
With deep love, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥