Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Come to Me in pilgrimages and pray for peace! On your shoulders you carry the "good of humanity"!
- Message No. 852 -

My child. My dear child. Please say the following to the children of the earth today: My children. My children so loved by Me. I love you so much and it pains My heart deeply to see how you are being "overrun" by evil and how the souls of so many children of God are darkening, falling into sadness, depression or surrendering to the dark power, instead of getting up, preparing and doing something for their salvation!
Children, wake up, for you have little time left! Your only salvation is Jesus, My Son, who loves you with all His heart. He too suffers so much to see how many of you do not confess, remain in lukewarmness and/or become apostate and turn to evil, ONLY TO FEEL SOMETHING -OR EVER- because they are so deadened inwardly that they find their "fulfillment" in the diabolical work!
My children. You are lost...
Those of you who are faithful to Jesus carry a great "burden". It is the "burden of responsibility", because you know that the only way is My Son, and therefore you pray, atone and sacrifice FOR ALL YOUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN THE LORD! On your shoulders you carry the "good of mankind", although you know that each one must freely choose his way to eternity.
You help so many souls to repent, to find My Son, and you keep the peace, but children, you must continue to pray, because so many become weak and "break in", that is, they do not believe and follow the wrong and the evil, so I call you today: Come to Me in pilgrimages and pray for peace!
Pray for Russia, whose consecration did not take place, and ask for the grace of conversion for the people living there!
Ask for mercy from communism
Upon you, the remnant army, is the blessing of My Son, therefore your prayer will yet accomplish much good, and it is given power to yet ward off much evil!
Follow, My call, beloved children of My Son, for you are the hope of this world.
Come in pilgrimages, My children. Every holy place can serve you as a place for this, special power have My places of apparition.
I love you. Pray My rosaries for peace. Amen.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of Redemption. Amen.
Note: Rosary pilgrimages, group pilgrimages, individual pilgrimages, walking and walking pilgrimages, any kind of pilgrimage with the intention of Our Lady in the heart and praying Her rosaries fulfills the intention of Her call. Our Lady asked me for this note.
Source: ➥