Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany


Friday, January 23, 2015

Desist from cheap and disrespectful "jokes", for they only drive more hatred into your world!

- Message No. 822 -


My child. My dear child. Write, My child, and tell the children of the earth today the following: I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, pray for you so that you may repent and find your way to My Son, your Jesus, for only Jesus will be able to save you, only through HIM will you find salvation, and only with HIM will you be granted entrance into the New Kingdom!

My children. Get up and get ready, because the "final battle" has begun, i.e. for the goal implementation of the evil plans of Satan everything has been initiated and is already taking place.

If you do not find your way to My Son, continue to "make fun" of things, persons and circumstances of your world, your religions, your leaders and do not recognize the seriousness of the situation, then you will soon have a rude awakening, because you are moving on very, very thin ice, which is already threatening to break, and your disrespect, your stultifications and your fickleness only drive further wedges into this thin layer of ice!

So pray, My children, and ask for guidance and direction! Ask for the clarity that only the Holy Spirit of the Lord can give you, and fall on your knees before your Jesus, because: Without HIM you will all be lost!

So turn back, desist from cheap and disrespectful "jokes", because they only drive more hate into your world! You feel so safe and untouchable in your world of appearances and don't suspect what is to happen soon, because you are too busy with yourselves and your well-being and have lost the view for the truth!

My children. Convert and confess Jesus so that you will not be lost, and join the remnant army of My Son! Only your prayer can (still) save you from the worst, SO USE IT and finally face the truth: Your world is to be "destroyed" so that the Antichrist can take it over. I.e. for you -most of you- there is no place there. Your "extinction" will take place, and you will be reduced to a minimum. Those of you who survive will not be free, because the son of the devil will be in control. Since this "plan" is not compatible with God's creation, God the Father will end this world. The preparation is underway, it is what you are experiencing. It is taking place on "both sides," and this is the end time that has already been predicted to you in the Bible, Father's Holy Book. The end will come and the New Era will begin, but only for the children who follow Jesus. Satan will be banished to hell and chained, and the exit will be closed. This is the victory over Satan and his demons, and the era of 1000 years of peace will begin. After these 1000 years, Satan will be released for the last time before the final judgment is held. Until then, however, it is a long time for you earth children, but know that you MUST BE READY NOW so that you can attain eternity alongside the Lord.

My children. Prepare yourselves and wait no longer, for the last trumpets will sound and woe to him who has not confessed My Son, his Jesus. Amen.

I love you, and I am always there for you. Pray to Me and ask Me, and I will lead you to My Son. Amen.

Your loving Mother in Heaven.

Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.

Source: ➥