Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Your trust will be severely tested!
- Message No. 797 -

My child. My dear child. Please tell Our children the following today: You must pray, My children, and you must trust in Jesus, My Son who loves you so much. Your trust will be severely tested, but when you have fully found HIM, have established yourselves in HIM, then you will not be lost, and the truth will be given/shown to you.
My children. The dark times will soon come upon you, but do not be afraid: My Son will come to free you, but you must stick to HIM and give yourselves to HIM again and again.
Do not run after those who run away and be vigilant of the sweet words, because the evil one wants to lull you so that you are not able to recognize the truth, but if you remain vigilant, you will recognize the lies, the contradictions, the words that are not followed by any deeds or by completely different deeds, the list is long.
My children. Confess yourselves completely to Jesus and do not doubt. Only HE is your way to glory, ALL OTHERS lead you to perdition.
So give your YES to Jesus and prepare yourselves: you must be ready, otherwise your soul will be lost and suffer most agonizingly.
Prepare yourselves, My children, and wait no longer. I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, ask you to do so, for your soul must not be lost. Amen.
With motherly love, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥