Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, December 19, 2014
Celebrate your Christmas in this holiness that IS My Son!
- Message No. 784 -

My child. My dear child. There you are, My beloved daughter. Good Morning. Please say the following to the children of the world today: It is the Solemnity of the Birth of My Son that you celebrate on Christmas Eve! Now become aware of this great gift, for it is unique, of the greatest generosity and completely precious, for: The Lord has been born to you, your Savior, your Messiah, and for every soul the way has been paved into the glory of the Father -back home to HIM, to your Creator-, for: Through Jesus your Lord you obtain this generous and precious gift, and every soul that becomes sinful is forgiven through Jesus Christ, your Lord and Savior, provided it confesses to HIM, asks for forgiveness, repents and atones.
My children. Celebrate your Christmas in this holiness that IS My Son! Honor HIM, thank HIM, and rejoice, because Jesus was given to you out of the all-encompassing and infinite love of the Father -for each one of you-, and this gift, from the Father Himself, you celebrate at Christmas.
My children. Accept Jesus and confess Him, because He was sent by the Father for the salvation of your world and yours. Do not push Him away, but honor Him, and live with Him, thanking the Father for this so precious gift of grace.
My children. Celebrate this Christmas in intimacy and joy, carry love in your heart and give thanks to My Son and the Father.
Convert, My children, and tell your little ones about the meaning of Christmas, so that they too may find Jesus and not be lost to the Adversary. Amen. So be it.
Your Mother in heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Where is Christmas?
Once upon a time there was a little runt who wanted to have everything. But it didn't work out, and he didn't like it, so he moped around.
Mom and dad didn't like that at all, because the little runt was causing them distress: "So look inside your heart and see what Christmas is all about." That's what the runt did, but he didn't see, he's still little.
But then, on Christmas Eve, he saw his parents beaming with joy at the dinner table, even without presents. So the little runt thought to himself: 'I just have to look deeper' and found on a throne: the baby Jesus, so pure and tender, dwelling in his heart.
Now he rejoiced, the little wretch, and Christmas was born anew for him. Saint Bonaventure and Mary to the Divine Preparation of the Hearts
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