Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, December 15, 2014
You do not see John's prophecy in the now!
- Message No. 779 -

My child. My dear child. Please write and listen to what We, your Mother in Heaven, the saints, God the Father and Jesus have to say to the children of the earth today: Children, wake up! The end is at your doorstep, but you just don't want to believe it! Most of you don't see it, others think it will come later, oh children, what unbelievers you are and so lost! Even those of you who believe in Jesus, you do not see the prophecy of John in the now! Thereby, everything that We showed Him and that you live today in your world, comes true! My children. My children so beloved by Me. Wake up before it is too late! Soon the end will come, but you have not prepared yourselves! You disregard Our warnings, scorn and ridicule Our Word and those who proclaim it - have you learned nothing at all! Look at your history written in the Holy Book of the Father and ask yourselves if unbelief is not repeated in your present time! Does much worse have to happen before you realize in what time you are? Children, awaken and give your YES to Jesus. The end is coming with great strides and you remain in unreality and unbelief. He who does not prepare himself will be lost, and the prophecies of the New Kingdom will not come to him. He will be lost to the Adversary unless he repents and finds his Jesus.
Source: ➥