Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
That is why they keep you `stupid and ignorant'!
- Message No. 773 -

My child. My dear child. There you are. Please tell the children of the world the following today: You will see more and more the changes that God the Father is now allowing, so that even the last of His children will awaken and see that your earth is in upheaval and nothing will be as you have known it until now. My children. The sky -your sky- is changing, and by this We do not mean the clouds and layers of fog produced by human hands, but We are talking about your heavenly bodies, the moon, the sun, the days, the temperatures and many other earth movements that you will soon no longer know how to classify. My children. Environmental disasters will be rampant, but very many will remain covered up. If you would know and see all that is happening on your earth, the elite group and all their henchmen would lose their manipulative power over you -the masses-. You would become rebellious, resist, and a chaos not controllable by them would break out, therefore they keep you "stupid and ignorant", because otherwise the plans of the devil would not work out. My children. Don't be "taken for fools" by swallowing the absurd lies of your politicians and profiteers. Your media are controlled, and your politicians -are exposed to the pressure of the devil elite- are lured with money and other things, bribed and/or put under pressure (blackmailed), as well as your businessmen, to whom money and "good" reputation are more important than a "white vest", and who are caught so deeply in the devil's ropes that they see no other way out than to go on and on, knowing well that it is the wrong way! My children. See the signs in the sky! See what is happening in your world! You can't deny the earth changes, but you can verbalize them, only the latter doesn't help you to find the way to My Son! Wake up! Turn away and run towards My Son! He will come to redeem you ALL, but you must give Him your YES! Prepare yourselves and take the signs as they are: It is the preparation for the life in the New Kingdom, which you can attain only if you find completely to Jesus and renounce the worldly. My children. The time of the end is near, and God the Father will shake you up! So wake up now and turn back, so that your soul will not be lost and you will be given eternity at the Lord's side. Do not wait any longer, because you do not have much time left. I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, with the Holy Angels of the Father and the Saints, ask you. Amen. With love, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of Redemption, with the Holy Angels of the Father and the Saints of the Communion of Saints. Amen.
Source: ➥