Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, November 24, 2014
The chastenings of God will now soon descend upon you!
- Message No. 758 -

My child. Please tell the children of the earth the following today: You must hurry and convert, for the time of preparation is passing, and whoever is not prepared will fare badly, for the chastenings of God will now soon descend upon you, and there will be no one who can protect himself from them, for: God is ALL-MIGHTY, and in HIS omnipotence HE will chastise those who do evil and neither honor nor appreciate HIS Holy Son, Jesus Christ.
So let it be said to you, you who pay homage to the devil, serve and do evil: greatest distress will befall you when the chastenings of the LORD come down to the earth, and all you who spurn Jesus, desecrate and desecrate HIM and HIS saints, let it be said to you: My lightnings will strike you, and the earth will open up and swallow you up, if you do not begin to honor MY Son and do not desist from desecrations, desanctifications and pagan-satanic practices!
Be warned, for the end is near, and the one who has not converted and is not prepared, the horror will come to him, and the omnipotence of the Lord he will know with thunder, lightning and natural forces, but it will be too late for his repentance, for he has not listened to God, has not obeyed HIS Holy Word and has given himself completely to the worldly, the pagan and/or the satanic.
Be warned, My children, and find now completely to Jesus. There is not much time left for you. Amen. So be it.
Your Mother in Heaven. Mother of all God's children and Mother of Redemption with God the Father, Almighty God and Creator of all being. Amen.
Source: ➥