Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Those who prepare themselves now will pass the last time peacefully in the Lord!
- Message No. 748 -

My child. My dear child. Please say the following to the children of the earth today: Listen to Our Word, My beloved children, for We are preparing you for what is coming, so that you may be lifted up into the New Kingdom of My Son and not be lost to His adversary, the devil, who wants to steal you and your soul.
My children. Whoever prepares himself now will pass the last time peacefully in the Lord. You must find Jesus and trust in HIM at all times. He is your salvation and your salvation, and with Him you will enter the wonderful glorious New Era, but you must be completely devoted to Him, trust in Him and orient yourselves and your lives completely to Him.
My children. Do not wait any longer, for the time that is left to you is short, for soon what is foretold and prophesied to you will come to pass. So keep away from sin, remain pure and prepare yourselves completely for My Son!
Pray, My children, and leave nothing to chance!
In deep, motherly love, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
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