Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Look at what is happening in the sky and see that the end is near!
- Message No. 738 -

My child. My dear child. There you are. Today, please say the following to the children of the earth: Look at what is happening in the sky and see that the end is near! The evil one commits outrages everywhere and "attacks" you even from the "celestial spheres", because there where "researching" and "science" is done, he has long since placed his "control devices" to become "master" of the earth and of all children of God, but he will never succeed!
Your "control" on earth is already "totalitarian". Even if a few still refuse to accept all the new technologies, NASA and consorts have already spread and activated their control net worldwide. Your control takes place therefore not only on earthly ways, but also from "the air" and the "space", as well as the manipulation of your over sonication and pressure, tones, hardly or not at all perceptible for the human hearing, as well as produced low pressure (!), which gives you headache, nausea, dizziness as well as nervous diseases with all its negative effects.
My children. The devil is cunning, and your governments and heads of all "important and secret" organizations are working for him. So now find your way to My Son, so that you can endure what is to come, gain strength and stamina, and become ready for His New Kingdom, whose gates will be opened at the end of the three dark days that are coming closer and closer.
My children. With Jesus you will be safe! But without HIM you will "suffocate" in the mire of evil and perish. You will be lost to the devil if you do not confess Jesus, who is your Savior.
My children. Give your YES to Jesus and become ready for HIM and for the end. Those who are not prepared will not attain the New Kingdom.
Pray, My children, for much evil you can still keep away by your prayer.
With love, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of Redemption.
Make this known. It is important. Amen.
Source: ➥