Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
...even from My holy church!
- Message No. 732 -

My child. My dear child. Write, My daughter, and hear what I, your Holy Father in Heaven, have to say today to the children of the earth: Only MY Son, Jesus Christ, is your way into MY glory! Without HIM you will be lost. So get up, My beloved children, and give HIM your YES! Thus HE will work in you and around you and help you to find ME, your Father.
My children. Go to Jesus now and do not wait any longer, because evil is what the devil does, and he wants to lull all those who have not yet found MY Son. His means are cunning and very well camouflaged. He distracts you from the essential, and so you do not look behind his evil game!
Children, be warned, for he who does not consolidate himself in Jesus will be lost to his adversary! The tricks and the wiles he uses are so cunning that you think all is well and do not see the danger, but, children, be careful, for he is luring you in all areas, even out of My Holy Church, the Body of My Son here on earth. You must trust only Jesus and not listen to those who come along! They blind you, and more and more they prepare the way to hell for you!
My children, be warned, because the end has begun! So run now to Jesus and be saved, because only HE is authorized to bring you to ME!
Confess yourselves, My children, and break out of the illusory world of the beast. It will still bring you much evil, but you must be strong and trust completely in Jesus! Never accept the mark of the beast, because it will cost you eternity!
Take refuge completely in the holy arms of My Son and pray, My children. In prayer you are very close to ME and MY Son, so use it for your salvation and for the conversion of your loved ones, and as a weapon in the fight against all evil, which you will stop and hold off until the end by your prayer!
Pray, My children, and be very close to ME, your Father who loves you so much. I am waiting for you, because I love you, and MY happiness will be complete as soon as I know you are saved!
Amen, My children.
Come and give your YES to Jesus, then nothing will stand in the way of your return home. So be it.
Your Father in Heaven.
Creator of all God's children and Creator of all being. Amen.
Source: ➥