Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany


Friday, October 24, 2014

Toxic pollutants!

- Message No. 727 -


Tell the children today how "dangerous" and dominated your world is already by the devil, and how many devil worshippers and unscrupulous hearts are carrying out evil for him to harm the children of God, which you all are.

You are "attacked" by all the realms, and even Heaven is not left unharmed. By Heaven is meant your horizon, not Us this time. So now face the truth and look closely at what is happening on the horizon! Toxic pollutants are being sprayed here, but there is no one who is really doing anything about it.

Everything, My so beloved children, serves to take over the world domination of the devil, and not a single, tiny area is free from his servants! You are lied to and deceived, and the injustices increase more and more, but no one can stand against it, because the "supreme ones" are ALL "infiltrated and infected" by him!

My children. Your executive "organs" in ALL areas of your earth, your society, are occupied with devil-followers and -worshippers, and his net is well entangled, interwoven over your whole world! The few who refuse to follow him will be eliminated sooner or later, because they do not bow to him, do not pay homage to him, do not worship him and are thus "disturbing factors" in a world which he alone wants to dominate.

He wants to place himself above God the Father, creator of the earth and all being, -which he will NEVER manage- and he does not give up until the last hour has struck, and all means for the world domination takeover are right for him. So everybody who speaks against him is disturbing factor and must be "tamed" or eliminated, and those who speak against him and bring the truth to the light of day, die nowadays -and already for a long time- of "heart attacks" and other "accidents".

My children. Look the truth in the face and rise! Run to Jesus, because only HE will free you from entanglements and machinations of the evil one! HE will be there for you, and HE will lift you up.

So pray now, My children, because your prayer keeps on -and until the end (!)- the worst from your world and from you, who are true children of God!

Pray for yourselves, for your loved ones and in the intentions of Jesus. Think of your brothers and sisters in the Lord and pray for them and against the machinations of the devil.

Your prayer is strong! Your prayer helps! Your prayer heals! Your prayer helps to repent! And your prayer brings you closer and closer to Jesus and the Father!

Hang in there and rise up! For Jesus and the New Kingdom, because only when you witness, many people still find their way. Amen.

Your Saint Antoni Claret with the Holy Mother of God. Amen.

--- "Tell the children that We love them. They are especially close to Our hearts. Tell them that. Amen. The saints gathered here.


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