Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, October 20, 2014
Surrender ALL and YOURSELF to My Son!
- Message No. 722 -

My child. My dear child. Be completely with Me, with your Jesus, and listen to what My Holy Mother has to say to you and to the children of the earth today: My children. My children so loved by Me. Time is passing and you have not yet turned back, yet it is your only way to glory! Turn to Jesus, My Son so beloved by Me, and begin to share your life completely with Him.
When the seals of the Father open now, it will be painful for many of you. You will experience suffering and sorrow, but you still have the possibility to turn back and run to Jesus, to give Him your unconditional YES. So use the time you have left and don't get lost in the mire of lies of your world, in the traps, the pull and the machinations of the devil!
Everything comes to pass as it was foretold to you, but, My beloved children, you keep worst from happening with your prayer! So keep praying and surrender EVERYTHING and YOURSELF to My Son Jesus, so that you can be saved and healed and find entrance into the Father's Kingdom of Heaven.
My children. Time is now overturning! The events are overturning! Run to Jesus and do not believe those who run away, because they prepare the way to hell for you, but not to the Father, whom you will reach ONLY through Jesus!
My children. Come completely to Me, to your Mother in Heaven, and let yourselves be enveloped by My Holy Mantle of Protection. I will keep you safe and secure, but you must pray to Me and ask Me for it.
My children. I am the Mother of all God's children, and as such I pray for you day in and day out. Do not get lost, My children, and find the way to My Son. He will lead you home safely. Amen. So be it. With deep and sincere love, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥