Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, October 18, 2014
You did not realize what HE did this for!
- Message No. 720 -

The only way to ME!
My child. My dear child. Sit with Me, My beloved daughter, and listen to what I, your Holy Father in Heaven, want to say to the children of the earth today: You must confess Jesus, MY Only Begotten Son, for otherwise you will experience terrible times, and your end will be terrible!
Cruelly you will be cast into hell, for you have not given your YES to MY Son, you have refused to run to HIM, to live according to HIS teachings and have disobeyed MY commandments! So see now, where it has led you, into a world of appearance, which consists of absolute EMPTINESS!
EVERYTHING is transient, only that, where it leads you, not: An eternity in the hell of the evil one, who lets you torment, suffer and abuse, because you are addicted to his illusory world, caught in his seductions and unable to see the truth, because this you find only through MY SON, at HIS side, but you prefer a life in appearance and luxury, than to reach out to HIM, WHO suffered for you, because you have not recognized, for what HE did that, and you negate everything, what is real and true!
Whoever does not now detach himself from appearances and glamor, from earthly, material things, from lust, from "fun", from kicks and those who run away, will have a rude awakening. MY son stands ready. WE have already shown it to Mary for the Divine preparation of the hearts, so now look the truth in the face and do not hide behind what others say!
Run to Jesus! Call to HIM! Pray to HIM and in HIS intentions and get up and ready, because the end is approaching and you are sleeping away, because you think everything would go on as before, and what is inconvenient for us, we simply change, just as it suits us, but, My children so loved by Me, you are on the wrong track!
You have fallen for the evil one, and deeper and deeper you get entangled in his web of lies and accept what he tells you, and that, My beloved children, will cost you eternity at My side, because you are going the way to hell, but not to MY Kingdom of Heaven, into which I will receive everyone who has given his honest and sincere YES to MY Son, Jesus Christ!
So turn back now, before it is really too late! MY plagues have begun, MY seals are opening! Your world is already upside down, but you continue to dismiss it as banality. For everything you seem to have an explanation, only not for the truth!
My children. Whoever does not open up and confess now, will become aware of the truth too late: Act now and follow Jesus! Otherwise you will be lost, straight into the devil's tentacles! Jesus is your way! The only way to ME, your Creator!
Now get up and go into prayer! Seek out your Holy Masses and read in My Holy Book! You must know ME to find to ME, therefore read, My children, and pray! In prayer you are united with ME, with US, and WE reveal ourselves to you! Live according to the teachings of MY Holy Son and give your YES to HIM! This YES is the first step home, into an eternity you cannot imagine more glorious!
So now come to Jesus and find with and through HIM the way home to ME! With open Father's arms and full of tender love in My heart I wait for you, in deep longing and with pain, because My love for you is infinite, and I want to enclose each one of you in MY holy arms.
Come home now, the way is MY Son! Amen.
Your Father in Heaven.
God the Most High and Creator of all being. Amen.
--- "The Father suffers. HE sees how many are lost. They wander and are blind to the truth. They would rather follow the devil than even set foot in the Holy Church of My Son. Pray for them, because only your prayer can help them to still find the Lord. Amen.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen."
--- "Run to My Son and live with HIM! I love you.
Your Father in heaven. Amen."
Source: ➥