Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, October 10, 2014
Eternity is long, and never will it pass!
- Message No. 712 -

My child. My dear child. Write, My daughter so loved by ME, and listen to what I, your Father in Heaven who loves you so much, have to say today to the children of the earth: Convert and confess, My children, for the time that remains is short! Turn, then, and run to Jesus, for only HE will give you salvation, but the adversary will torment you, and in disgrace you will perish!
You will perish! Into hell! And if you still believe that hell does not exist, then, My children so beloved by Me, you live most dangerously in this world of lies and do not see the danger!
But your end will be painful, because you have not listened to MY word! You have not accepted MY word! You have not implemented MY requests! And you have not heeded MY warnings!
So your eternity will be agonizing! Full of suffering and torment and distress! Painfully you will perish, but you will never "die", because you were created for eternity, by ME, your Father, who loves you so much, and ardently I desire your return, but you did not want to listen, and so the devil will torment your soul -you-, and this torment will not stop, because you never pass away!!!!
My children. My so beloved children. Find the way to ME, to your Holy Father in Heaven, your Creator, WHO I AM, and enter into MY glory! Be gifted with MY Son, for HE is the way to ME, to your Father, WHO I AM PURE LOVE. Do not be lost to My adversary, for eternity is long, and never shall it pass away!
So turn back, My so beloved children, and give your YES to Jesus! Only HE will free, save and redeem you, but without HIM you will be lost. Amen.
In fatherly love, your Father in heaven.
Creator WHO I AM, ruler over heaven and earth and all that is. Amen.
Go in peace, and find MY Son! Then your eternity will be beautiful, and in glory you will live first with Jesus
--- "My children. Repent, confess, repent of your sins, for only in this way can they be forgiven by Jesus, My Son, only in this way can the Father in Heaven grant you forgiveness. Amen.
With deep love, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen."
Source: ➥