Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Thus he holds you captive and "motionless"!
- Message No. 709 -

My child. My dear child. There you are. Please tell the children of the earth the following today: The plagues that are sent to you are for the "awakening" of yours, so that you may be converted and see the times in which you live!
Everything is written in the Holy Book of the Father, so now look the truth in the face and do not be afraid, for THERE IS STILL TIME TO CONVERT!!!
Use it and confess to My Son, your Jesus, as soon as possible, because soon the time of preparation will be over, and then YOU MUST BE READY!!!
My children. Never be afraid, for fear comes from the devil alone. So he keeps you imprisoned and "motionless", but whoever runs to Jesus, gives HIM his YES and gives himself completely to HIM, will be freed from fear!
He will be relieved, feel joy and become ALWAYS MORE HAPPY, because the care that Jesus then carries for you will make everything "slip/fall away" from him that does NOT come from the Lord and Father! The devil will lose all power over him, and his soul -he- will be lifted up and not lost!
My children. Break out now from the "devil's circle" of your existence, and confess! Only Jesus is the way to the Father! Surrender your life to HIM, and everything will be taken care of, because HE will take care of you! Amen. So be it.
Convert and confess and do not wait any longer, because very soon you will have no more possibility/choice.
With deep, motherly love, your Mother in Heaven who loves you so much.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥