Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Soon those among you who serve the devil will be recognized!
- Message No. 707 -

My child. My dear child. Please tell the children of the earth the following today: The plagues that will now come upon your earth will be great and calamitous, for the sin in which you live is great and calamitous!
Therefore, My children, it is important that you mend your ways: You must find completely to Jesus! Be completely with HIM! And be there completely for HIM!
Commit no more sins and if you miss, confess right away, because: Whoever carries sin with him will not be close to Jesus, and whoever is not close to Jesus will be lost to those who run away and in the end to their masters!
Confess yourselves, My children, and give your YES to Jesus! The closer you are to My Son, the easier the "unwholesome" end will be for you, the purer you are, the less plagues will befall you!
Be warned, for soon those among you who serve the devil will be recognized! God will punish them, and like leprosy you will look at them, for the mark they will bear on their faces will be repulsive!
Turn back, My children, and do not get lost in the labyrinth of lies, temptations, immorality and "pomposity" of the devil! Everything that is not purest love does not come from the Father!
So see where pure love is, feel how it makes you happy, alive, joyful and glad! It fulfills, and you find it with My and through My Son, your Jesus! So confess to HIM now and wait no longer!
If a plague befalls you, then ask the Heavenly Hosts of the Father for help. His holy angels will come to stand by you, but you must BE CLEAN, FREE FROM SIN, to be allowed to use this so generous gift!
Hurry up! Purify yourselves! Confess, repent and atone! Live in constant repentance and sacrifice, then, My so beloved children, you will be worthy in the eyes of the Lord, and His help will be given to you.
Run, My children, and purify yourselves, otherwise these plagues will also befall you and "Heaven" will not be able to help you! Amen.
Listen to My word, and follow My call, for it is the Father's wish who gave Me this mission.
With love, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥