Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, October 3, 2014
The final "takeover" is to be initiated now!
- Message No. 705 -

My child. My dear child. There you are. Please tell the children of the earth today the following: You must convert NOW, for the light of the earth is beginning to dim, so great, so violent, so cruel is that which the devil is now allowing upon your earth, that the "light of heaven" which the Father is giving you is being "fogged" and darkened, for the final, final "takeover" is now to be initiated, and since so many of you faithful remnant army children are standing against it -with prayer, with sacrifices, with atonement and complete devotion to My Son, your Jesus who loves you so much- the devil is now using "this weapon" to "bring you down" and to implement his goals now, but, My beloved children, he will not succeed in this, if you continue to pray, to hold on to the teachings and THE COMMANDMENTS of the Lord and are completely "devoted" to HIM, your Jesus!
My children. Hang in there! There is not much left! Jesus will come to redeem you, and then the era of millennial peace will dawn!
Confess now, My so beloved children, who are still lost (have not yet found Jesus), because when the darkness comes over you, you will hardly be able to break out! You must find your way to Jesus now, so as not to get caught in the devil's spider's web and be "lulled" / lulled!
Wake up! Look the truth in the face! Read and understand the Holy Book of the Father, because your present time is described there: The end of the world known to you: The Apocalypse!
Wake up and realize where you are, because the days of the end are numbered, and your conversion can only happen now!
With deep and maternal love, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
"Find the way to My Son, so that you will not be lost. Amen."
Source: ➥