Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
What you have accepted as truth until now will no longer be your truth!
- Message No. 691 -

My child. Today, please tell Our children the following: If you convert, find to My Son, follow HIM and orient yourselves, your existence completely to HIM, to a life worthy in God's eyes, then your life will be worth living, and in spite of the fact that you still stay here on earth, until the great day of the New Kingdom comes, you will live as in another, new world, because what you have accepted as truth so far, will no longer be your truth!
You will realize how you are being manipulated, and you will (be able to) break out of the hopelessness of the devil's wheel turning faster and faster, because whoever lives with My Son, the devil will not blind him, will not blind him, and will not hold him captive, because the light of My Son is stronger, the knowledge of His is greater, His truth is the only truth, and there is nothing that the devil can put up against it.
My children. Set out on the True Path to the Father! Go to My Son! In this way you will be liberated and will not be lost when the gates of the New Kingdom open soon.
Come, My children, come and wait no longer, for the end is near, and whoever has found his way to My Son will be saved. Amen. So be it.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation.
Source: ➥