Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, September 12, 2014
Those who do not decide will be lost!
- Message No. 686 -

My child. My dear child. Today, please tell Our children the following: You must live the light that burns within you, for otherwise you will be enclosed in the darkness of the devil and perish miserably! Your sorrow will be great, and the joy that My Son brings you will be withheld from you.
My children. It is so important that you find to My Son, because without HIM you will face 1000 years of damnation.* Only after this time all souls will be granted a new, ultimate chance, but only a few of you will know how to use it, because your soul is already too sick, too moronic (weak) to still carry a glimmer of hope to still find to the Father.
My children. What you do not do now will cost you eternity! Just like what you do, because if you do not confess the Lord, do not follow HIM and do not really LIVE ACCORDING TO HIS WORDS (!), damnation and eternal darkness will come upon you, and you will suffer, suffer, suffer.
My children. Set the course now for an eternity in joy -your eternity-, and live the eternal peace of the Father! You will be happiest children of the Lord if you convert and give your YES to My Son.
Come, My children, come and do not hesitate! With My Son joy will come to you and your existence, but without HIM you will be lost to those who run away and their master of darkness.
Ask yourselves what you want: A life in Divine joy, in peace, care, happiness and security or else 1000 years of torment and distress, agony, suffering and desolation.
The decision is yours, but be warned, My children. Whoever does not decide will be lost. Amen.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
--- "The graces of the Father are great. Accept them and turn back! Only those who confess Jesus will see the glory of the Father and live in it.
Come, My children, come, for Jesus is waiting for you. Amen.
With My motherly blessing I envelop you, and with My mantle of protection I cover you. Amen.
Your loving Mother in Heaven with the saints of the communion of saints. Amen." (* Note: see Revelation ch. 20:5)
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