Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, September 1, 2014
There is nothing more salutary than to turn to Us!
- Message No. 675 -

My child. Tell the children of the earth once again how salutary it is to come to My Holy Places. There is nothing more wholesome for your soul than to go to Us.
You must awaken, My children, and take up your crosses. Jesus carries them with you! Jesus carries them for you! He lightens your burden(s), because He loves you! Be completely with HIM and very close to HIM, so your soul will find support, the support it is looking for, the support it needs.
My children. Without Jesus your life is worth nothing, because it does not lead you to the Father! You must convert and make your life worth living! With Jesus by your side, your life becomes worth living. It becomes valuable, and it becomes precious, because you are being prepared for eternity at the Father's side.
But the one who lives without Jesus, without the unspeakable healing love of My Son, which gives you peace, joy and gladness, will be lost, because he has not prepared himself for eternity!
Your only way is Jesus, therefore you must confess HIM and live your life according to HIS will, because it is the Divine will of the Father, because YOU ARE ONE with the Holy Spirit, and yet YOU are Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
My children. Repent! Convert and confess to Him, WHO brings you love, WHO gives you His Holy, life-giving light and WHO gives you peace! HE puts love, joy and peace in your hearts, and HE leads you to the Father so that you can return home and not be lost, because full of love and joy and "expectation" the Father is waiting for you, because HE loves you.
My children. Return home to the One who created you and gave you life, and visit My/Our Holy Places. You will find conversion! You will find love! You will feel fulfillment! You will get a glimpse of life with Us when you visit Our places, open your hearts to Us and let Us work in you!
Come, My beloved children, and give yourselves completely to Us! Then your soul will find salvation, and you will find the Father, and His glory will also become yours. Amen.
I love you.
Your Mother of Lourdes.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
--- "Find to Me, My children, for I AM the way to the Father. Amen. Your Jesus."
Source: ➥