Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Do not seek HIM as a man among you!
- Message No. 671 -

My child. My dear child. Be completely with Me, with your Mother in Heaven, and listen to what I want to say today to the children of the earth: Follow My call and convert, for whoever does not follow My Son will stand alone, whoever does not honor HIM will be punished with contempt, for as soon as My Son comes and you have not converted, the devil will take possession of your soul, and the contempt he will then show you is sometimes the least of the "punishments" he will inflict on you.
My children. Come to My Holy Son! Find the way to HIM and become also witnesses of HIS omnipresence! HE, the Son of the Almighty, lives, because God our Father is THE Living God, and Jesus, His Most Holy Son, lives!
HE lives in you! HE lives among you, because in every heart that loves HIM HE lives and acts! Do not look for HIM as a man among you, but find HIM in you, in your heart, in your fellow men and feel His omnipresence. HE loves you, and out of this love HE is always with you!
My children. Believe and trust and find My Son. He is the only way to the Kingdom of Heaven.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of Lourdes. Amen.
Source: ➥