Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, August 28, 2014
HE will not dwell among you a second time!
- Message No. 669 -

My child. Tell Our children today how important it is to prepare for My Son. The time until His Second Coming is short, yet so many children push this event to the far distance, or do not believe in HIM at all.
But the devil knows exactly that his hour has now soon struck, and therefore he tries everything to get you by lies, temptations, confusion and by (alleged) "power speech" from the way to the Father and to win you for himself, so that he can steal your soul, because only that is his concern!
He sends his antichrist, who will ensnare you with greatest charm. He will pretend to be who he is not, and if you cheer him, run after him, praise him as who he is not, then only, My beloved children, when you have really fallen for him and have LOST the reality to the Truth, to the True Way, to Christ (!), then he will show his true face, but then it will be too late for many of you!
My children. My Son is the True Way! HE is the Love and the Light! No "tricks" and "miracles" will HE show you, but HE will work them gently in you. He will not draw any attention to himself, he will not be exposed to any urge for recognition, but the Antichrist, who is sent directly from hell, will come to you and will present all this and much more.
My children. Listen to your heart, and never run after the masses! You must be at rest! In adoration before your Lord and Savior! Seek out Our Holy Places and enter into prayer! Ask for clarity, knowledge and discernment and remain faithful to Jesus at all times! HE, WHO is the Son of the Almighty, will not dwell among you a second time! But HE will come high in the sky with all the signs, but will not dwell among you as a man!
So listen to Our word and do not fall for those who run away! Your eternity is at stake! So be completely with Jesus and look forward to HIM! He will come to conquer, but first He will give you a chance to repent.
Rejoice, My children, because My Son brings joy and love, but never euphoria and restlessness in the heart.
Listen to My word! Amen.
Your loving Mother in heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥