Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, August 10, 2014
What looks like a glimmer of hope is nothing more than the devil's final trap!
- Message No. 649 -

My child. Today, please tell Our children the following: Do not embrace your new health care technologies. As highly praised as they are, they will have devastating consequences for you. It is true that your scientists and doctors can achieve some good goals with them, but in the long run these successes are short-lived, for the evil they cause is greater than the cure they promise.
My children. You must find your way completely to Jesus in order not to perish in the machinery of evil. All that which now conquers your medicine market as highly praised novelties is specially designed for the purpose of implementing evil. You don't notice it? You do not see it?
My children. Let yourselves be guided by My Son and do not fall into the temptations of the devil. The traps he sets for you are getting bigger and bigger, and only the one who lives in perfect trust in My Son will be able to avoid them.
My children. Listen completely to Jesus and call to the Holy Spirit, He may give you clarity and understanding. The time in which you live is difficult, but with My Son you will master it.
I love you. Be blessed by Me and "take refuge" under My Holy Mantle of Protection, which keeps you safe and cared for.
In deep love, and persevere!
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of Redemption. Amen.
--- "What looks like a glimmer of hope is nothing more than the devil's final trap to seize power over you.
See the danger and do not be blinded, for what looks like good for you at the moment is in the long run the trap of the devil to make you his puppets.
Believe and trust and find completely to ME.
In love, your Jesus. Amen."
Source: ➥