Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, August 7, 2014
The signs of the beast are already everywhere!
- Message No. 644 -

In the holy place: My child. Please tell Our children the following today: Your world is collapsing and you are letting it happen. Silently you watch all that is happening, but (almost) no one rises up. Your world will perish, in the swamp of the devil it will perish, but those who are with My Son and follow Our call, they will be lifted up and will not perish like the others.
My children. Have courage! Stand up! Confess yourselves! Defend My Son and do not be misled! What comes from your Pope is unworthy of a Pope! He is the False Prophet, yet you still refuse to believe it! See what he does! Listen to what he says! He defends neither you, who are Christians, nor the Holy Word of My Son! He does nothing (good) for you, but as soon as a few "positive" lines come out of his mouth, you ALL fall into doubt and praise him highly to heaven, although he comes specially sent from the devil!
My children. Look the truth in the face and start to trust completely in Jesus! This false man on the chair of Peter is NOT HIS HOLY REPRESENTATIVE! He has neither been sent nor chosen by HIM! But he comes from the ranks of the devil worshippers and was elected by them!
You are in the end times, my children. If you would only open your eyes and ears, then you would know where you stand: At the end of your world existence and in the hands of those who follow the devil willy-nilly and blindly!
My children. The end will come, but it will bring much suffering. You will live trapped in a society ruled by the devil, and there is only one way out: My Son! You will be slaves of the evil world government, and the devil will force his mark on you! Already now many wear it hidden under the skin, and soon all inhabitants of the earth shall wear it. You shall be denied any service, any "movement" such as money transactions, shopping, etc., if you do not wear this mark! You will not get to your money without this chip which carries the sign of the devil in itself and "destroys" you step by step. You will become manipulated beings as soon as you accept this chip, but accepting it will mean your downfall, because the devil will gain all power over you.
My children. The signs of the beast are already everywhere. Your politicians wear them on their suit lapels, your musicians use them in their music videos and covers, your churches, rosaries and other "holy" objects are already contaminated with them, yet all this is still cleverly disguised so that you hardly notice it. Even your fashion has these signs, the symbols of the devil, and you should not wear skulls, nor fashion crosses, because ALL of them have a negative, satanic effect on you, even if you are not aware of it.
My children. Find your way to Jesus! Be completely with HIM and stay with HIM, otherwise you are also doomed. Do not accept the sign of the devil, because it will mean your "spiritual death", i.e. your soul will experience the greatest suffering, and you will be will-less in the face of all manipulation and control.
Be careful of all vaccinations, because those of you who refuse to accept the mark of the beast will have it inserted through "Plan B" ways. They will still have no right to public services, banking, etc., but they will be manipulable and will-less. All "rights" will be denied to them and will remain denied, but the "machine of evil" will also destroy them step by step. Their soul will be lost. So be warned, and do not accept any inoculations, because all ways are right for the devil to capture even the last Jesus-faithful souls and push them into perdition.
Never worry in all these days to come, because Jesus and the Father will take care of you! Your bread will be multiplied and your water will flow. So do not be afraid and commit yourselves wholly to HIM.
I love you, My children, and I am always with you. Call Me, and I will be there.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
In adoration before the Blessed Sacrament
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