Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, August 4, 2014
My love heals everything!
- Message No. 641 -

My child. My dear child. Today, please tell Our children to be completely with Jesus, with HIM, and to carry HIM and His Divine Love in their hearts, because this is so much needed in your world, your society, which the devil manipulates and makes people's hearts cold, darkened, and puts anger, hatred, bitterness and sadness in them, which drives them into desolation and fanaticism and makes them slaves and puppets of his.
My children. When you invite Jesus into your lives, share HIM in all your life "events" and share His love in your hearts, you bring love and warmth into your world, into the hypothermic and partly petrified hearts of your fellow brothers and thus bring a bit of peace and light into them and your world!
My children. If you carry the love of My Son within you and live it, share it with others, this love will multiply and you will bring Jesus to that person. A bit of peace will come to them, and a glimmer of hope will awaken, a memory that every person carries within them. The person's soul has been touched by the love you have shared with him and which has thus multiplied, and My Son can work in him, drawing him to himself through you!
My children. Pray for all the people who have not yet found My Son, because your prayer does the same: Jesus can work in the soul of the person(s) for whom you have prayed and thus draw many more souls to Himself.
My children. The love of the Lord is always with you. It dwells in you, in your hearts. You must discover it, "free it" -from all the burden and darkness, the shadows and the negative feelings that ALL the devil has put in your heart!- and live(!), because the one who lives the love of the Lord lives worth living. He is fulfilled and full of joy, and he does good to his fellow man.
So live the love of Jesus, and share it with your fellow brothers! So Jesus is always with you and among/ with you, and the joy in your hearts will be great. Amen.
I thank you and I bless you.
With love, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
--- "My love heals everything: every quarrel, every injury, every oh-so-deep wounding and every kind of desolation and hatred! He who lives My love is freed from hatred and fear. He will never fall into desolation, nor will he be "tormented" by worry.
Invite Me to be a part of your life, and My love will flow through you and make your hearts what the Father intended from the beginning: A warm place full of peace and joy, filled with Divine Light and Love.
Whoever carries My love within himself remains pure and free from negative feelings, because My love occupies the whole heart, the whole being within you, and no space will be free for anything but My love, a love that expands and multiplies more and more as soon as you share it with others.
Confess yourselves to Me, to your Jesus, and give yourselves entirely to Me. The closer you are to Me, the more fulfilled you and your life will be.
In deep, devoted love, your Jesus who loves you.
Son of the Almighty Father and Savior of all God's children. Amen.
Source: ➥