Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, August 1, 2014
For you alone it is important that you are with My Son!
- Message No. 638 -

My child. My dear child. There you are. Jesus: "Much atonement is needed, My daughter, to reach many more souls/children. Accept all in love and offer it up, and it will benefit those who need your sacrifices most."
My children. Your repentance is so important! If you do not find your way to My Son, infinite suffering will befall you. You must confess in order not to be lost to the devil! You must give your YES to Jesus in order not to sink into fiery embers.
My children. The demons of the devil are everywhere. They are lying in wait for you and want to lead you down bad paths. Their mission is to bring as many souls to the devil as possible, and they do everything they can to keep you away from Jesus.
Many people -also and especially- in high positions of your world are possessed by them, so they do evil in the name of the devil, but they do not tell you this. They are convinced that they are doing the right thing, because they are completely in the service of the beast and are infected by him: his lies, his views, his egoism, his greed for power, all this and much more "feed" them with their heinous (mis)deeds and thus inflict on you the greatest suffering, distress, agony, cruelty and much more bad things, but, My children, Jesus, your Jesus, leads you out of this distress!
HE alleviates your suffering! He heals your injuries! He gives you joy and love and confidence! With HIM you become happy children of the Lord, and an eternity full of Divine splendor and glory awaits you! But HE asks you also to pray for these lost people, because "they do not know what they are doing", i.e. they are fully aware of their shameful deeds, but the beast "sits" so in them that they are convinced to have to do that and feel it as the right thing.
My children. The "devil's world" is twisted and incomprehensible to many of you. Even less do you understand why there are so many who voluntarily put themselves in its service. For you alone it is important that you are with my son! Love HIM! Honor HIM! Live with HIM! And that you pray and make atonement, accept sacrifices and give to the Father!
My children. Jesus loves you! HE guides you! And through your prayer and atonement and sacrifice HE reaches even the blackest of souls! Believe and trust, and continue to pray in His intentions. Amen.
I thank you.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
"My daughter. Your prayer is so much needed. Let it never be broken off. Your loving Jesus. Amen."
Source: ➥