Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Only your repentance will save you from these final sufferings!
- Message No. 620 -

My child. My dear child. Today, please tell Our children of the earth the following: They must convert to their Jesus, otherwise they will be swallowed up by the lies of the devil through his false prophet and his antichrist, who are doing everything to seize the world power now -and they seem to succeed in this through allies in politically high ranks worldwide-, in order to then control you, manipulate you -what they are already doing-, reduce you and use you for their selfish and diabolical purposes!
My children. Do not let this happen! Your only way not to be devoured, abused and used is Jesus!
There is no other way out for you, because the evil one is implementing all his devilish plans! Only as a remnant army of Jesus you have a chance not to fall under the wing of the evil one!
Only as a remnant army united in prayer and sacrifice, the tide of your world will turn for the good, for God the Father will intervene and all His faithful children will be saved through Jesus, His Holy Son, but before that your world will experience great suffering and many innocent souls will be thrown to the beast, for they did not recognize the danger and did not listen to Our Word in these messages and did not confess Jesus!
My children.
Only your repentance will save you from these last sufferings!
They will be the cruelest, which the earth has ever experienced, because ALL CHILDREN OF GOD shall be "demonized" and pushed into the abyss, for the satisfaction of the beast, which already now laughs abominably at the naivety of its followers, who do everything for it in the belief, they would live eternally as great, powerful and recognized allies of the beast, in pomp, shamelessness, and delight in the torment of others whom they push to perdition for their "master," and at the naiveté of all the erring children who have turned away from the truth, want to glorify themselves, and are virtually walking into the devil's trap.
My children. Only Jesus will save you! Only with HIM you will be safe! HE will lead all His faithful children into His New Kingdom, but you must be faithful to HIM and listen to His Word!
Pray, sacrifice everything! Accept everything, even if you don't understand it, and offer it up to the Father! Every suffering, every illness, every loss, every slander, every injustice, no matter what it is, offer it to the Father and to the Son, your Jesus, because it will be transformed by HIM into love for the lost children, and many thousands and millions of children will still be saved this way.
Hold on, My children. The worst is yet to come. With deep love, your Mother in Heaven with the Holy Angels of the Father.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
"Whoever is with My Son has nothing to fear. God the Father, your Almighty Creator. Amen."
Source: ➥