Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, July 10, 2014
When prosperity and luxury come to an end, your comfort will also be over!
- Message No. 615 -

My child. My dear child. Please tell the children of the earth the following today: The countries you live in will change, for sin is great, and God the Father will bring His chastisements upon you, and your "comfort" will pass, for when prosperity and luxury come to an end, your comfort will also pass. So think carefully if this is what you want!
Leave off sin, lotteries, shame and pleasure, for all these will bring you ruin, and you will not be able to take any of them with you, but you will be able to take the riches that Jesus and the Father have in store for you. Therefore, consider carefully whether a life of sin, shame, lotteries and pleasures, i.e. disgrace before the Lord, is worth risking your eternity!
To stand in grace before the Lord, you must convert and pay attention to the Lord's values. You must profess Jesus and live according to His teachings. You must accept and live the commandments of God and shape your life for His pleasure, saying: Your will be done, O Lord, not mine!
He who lives in disgrace before the Lord will not obtain eternity in glory. He will not be able to enter the New Kingdom of the Lord, for he is not worthy. So confess Jesus and live your life as the Father intends for you: In His grace and in preparation for eternal life at His side, but not in disgrace, which sin brings.
He who lives with all the riches of the earth, and that at the expense of his fellow brothers, does not need to hope for the riches of heaven. He already has everything and does not share it, but the riches of the Lord are multiplied as soon as he shares them and gives them to others.
So consider well which riches you want to prefer. Only those of the Lord will bring you to the Father, but the earthly ones are transitory and will never give you eternal joy.
Decide, My children, and weigh well, for only those who live with Jesus and according to His teachings will come before the Father in grace, but all others will perish.
So be warned, My dear children, and do not continue to waste your time in comfort and sin, surrounded by the most beautiful riches of an earthly nature. Everything is transient in this life, but the Lord's values are eternally permanent.
Confess Jesus and become one with Him. Then you will share in the true riches of the Father, and a life at His side will be given to you. Amen, My children.
With deep love, your Mother in Heaven with the Holy Angels of the Lord.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥