Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, June 23, 2014
You will not recognize the chip!
- Message No. 597 -

My child. My dear child. That which We showed you today (in the night and the morning hours) is now implementing itself in your world, and you must stand against it!
My children. The devil and his followers are not only planning your "poisoning" by vaccines and the insertion of the chip, but -since by now so many are against the "recognition chip"- they will "implant" it disguised and hidden in a (special) vaccine.
Be warned, My children, because you will not recognize the chip in the vaccine, and the analysis of the vaccine will be "pure". This will be said not only from the "devil's circles", but likewise from independent chemists who do not belong to the elite circles. But, My so beloved children, this vaccine, once appointed as "harmless and not harmful to health" and recognized as "effective protection against particular diseases", will insidiously contaminate and destroy you, and since the pharmaceutical industry highly praises this drug, they will not be able/willing to help you.
My children. Do not accept the new vaccines, nor the chip of the beast, because they will bring you death. You will be manipulable, one will control your feelings/emotions, you will be "transparent/transparent" and to locate everywhere! It is the sign of the beast, and to the beast you will be lost, because who carries his number will perish in ashes and embers and will be thrown into the cauldron of fire.
My children. Be vigilant, and do not accept the so highly praised, harmless sounding and so "helping" means and things of the "modern times", because they serve exclusively the goal implementation of the devil and not for the protection for you!
So be warned and listen to My word in these and other messages.
With deep love, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of Redemption.
--- "My Mother speaks the true word. Time is coming to an end, and the devil is now beginning to target his plans on all levels. Be warned and remain faithful to Me, so you will not be lost.
"Do not under any circumstances accept the mark of the devil, for with it-if you bear it-you will perish."
Your loving Jesus and God the Father Almighty Creator. Amen."
Source: ➥