Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, June 14, 2014
...yet HE suffered this oh so cruel death for you!
- Message No. 587 -

My child. My dear child. Today, please tell the children of the earth the following: Your lukewarmness hurts Me, your self-aggrandizement inflicts the greatest suffering on My Son, your Jesus! How can you live as if you are self-sufficient and not a bit grateful? My Son has prepared for you the greatest gift of all, because by His agonizing death on the cross He redeemed each one of you from sin. He saw how you would end up, and yet He suffered this oh so cruel death for you, My children.
The images of this
You live as if We do not exist! You have and show no respect for Us! Nothing is sacred to you, and your vices, lusts and debaucheries are disgusting!
You must convert in order not to be lost, and you must begin to carry love in your heart for My Son, who loves you so much, and for Me, your Father, your Creator! Not your will be done, but My will, for only in this way will peace come to you and your earth become worth living on!
Without Me you are not able to live! Without Me you will be lost! So come into My Holy Father arms and show Me honor and respect! Follow My commandments and the teachings of My Son, your Jesus, and become worthy children (again)!
If you continue to live like this, dishonoring and trampling on Us, not believing in Us, not living with Us, then you are unworthy, and the New Kingdom will remain closed to you. So turn around and give your YES to Jesus, your Savior - and start living your life with HIM and with Me, your Father in Heaven who loves you so much.
Each one of you I have created in greatest love and given life. So give Me the respect and honor due to Me, and let love flow again into your hearts that have grown cold. Amen.
Your loving Father in heaven.
Creator of all God's children and Creator of all being. Amen.
--- "The Lord has spoken, so follow His call. I, the angel of the Lord tell you. Amen. Your angel of the Lord."
Source: ➥