Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, June 13, 2014
Without faith you will not know the treasures of the Lord!
- Message No. 586 -

My child. My dear child. Tell the children of the earth that I am here. Tell them that I help and give healing to everyone who asks Me. Tell them that My Water is holy, for it is blessed with the graces of the Father, but you must ask Me, your Holy Marina, for these graces to be helpful and healing to you.
My children. Drink My water, for it will heal you. Drink it consciously and ask for blessings beforehand. In My Holy Place you will obtain this blessing, and to everyone who believes in Me, asks Me and trusts in My healing, I will help him.
My children. God Our Father has endowed Me with these graces. HE, the Lord Almighty, makes them flow through Me, His Holy Handmaid. Alone, without God Our Lord, this would not be possible for Me. So take advantage of this so generous gift and come to Me.
Those who cannot come personally, to them be said: Every prayer that you address to Me, I hear! Every plea, every request! I am the handmaid of the Lord, His Holy Servant, and each one who turns to Me will receive healing and help in one way or another.
But, dear children, you must trust and believe in Me, because your negative thoughts destroy your body, and without faith, faith in the Lord and His Son, Jesus Christ, the saints and angels, you will not know the treasures of the Lord and you will not feel His miracles.
So be firm in faith and convert, My children. Only Jesus is your way to eternity, and with HIM and through HIM your life will be worth living, as it is here and in eternal life.
Come all to HIM and let yourselves be gifted with the wonders, treasures and glories of Our Father, for His graces are great, His miracles many, and each one will receive them as soon as he begins to believe, trust and open his heart to HIM and Jesus.
I love you, My children, and I endow you with My graces given to Me by the Father. Ask Me, and so it will be. Amen.
Your Holy Marina.
Source: ➥